Research Project Bioengineering
- (2024) WIDEnzymes
(Gautieri Alfonso)
- (2024) SMASH-HCM
(Mainardi Luca)
- (2024) EBRAINS 2.0
(Antonietti Alberto, Pedrocchi Alessandra Laura Giulia)
(Corino Valentina)
- (2023) HI-STEMI
(Ferrario Manuela)
- (2023) e-School 2.0
(Ferrante Simona)
- (2023) FUtuRo
(Redaelli Alberto Cesare Luigi)
- (2023) HYBR-ID
(Ambrosini Emilia)
- (2023) EvOoC
(Occhetta Paola)
- (2023) Identification of Skeletal Fragility Induced by Hormone Deprivation Therapies: An Artificial Intelligence-Based Study on Computed Tomography Radiomics, Mineral Density, Clinical and Laboratory Data
(Barbieri Riccardo)
- (2023) 360PCD - A 360-Degree View of Integrated Diagnostic Tools for Precise Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis and Prediction of Response to Treatment
(Barbieri Riccardo)
- (2023) Neurological, Neuropsychological and Advanced MRI Assessment of Brain Toxicity After Hadrontherapy for Skull Base and Paranasal Sinuses Cancers
(Baroni Guido)
- (2023) InTake Care
(Caiani Enrico Gianluca)
- (2023) RITESSERE - Silk Sericin Materials from Textile Industry By-Products
(Vesentini Simone)
- (2023) TEF-Health
(Pedrocchi Alessandra Laura Giulia)
- (2022) ECOTRON - How to Minimize the Ecological Footprint for Functional Electronics?
(Vesentini Simone)
- (2022) I3LUNG
(Pedrocchi Alessandra Laura Giulia)
- (2022) PerCard - Personalised Prognostics and Diagnostics for Improved Decision Support in Cardiovascular Diseases
(Mainardi Luca)
- (2021) REFINE
(Cerveri Pietro)
- (2021) COVIDSQUARED (automatic COmputation of cardioVascular arrhythmIc risk from ECG data of COVID-19 patients)
(Mainardi Luca)
- (2021) HoloZcan
(Aliverti Andrea)
- (2021) CORE-MD - Coordinating Research and Evidence for Medical Devices
(Caiani Enrico Gianluca)
- (2021) RAPTOR - Real-time Adaptive Particle Therapy Of CanceR
(Baroni Guido)
- (2021) Making MEV (Multiple Emergency Ventilator)
(Baselli Giuseppe)
- (2021) SAFER
(Dellaca' Raffaele)
- (2021) ARTERY
Autonomous Robotics for Transcatheter dEliveRy sYstems
(De Momi Elena, Votta Emiliano)
- (2021) RESPIRatory Holter 2.0
(Aliverti Andrea)
- (2021) TAILOR - A technical framework for combining multi-parametric imaging with advanced modelling in personalized radiotherapy
(Baroni Guido)
- (2021) THInkPen (Tele-Health Ink Pen)
(Ferrante Simona)
- (2021) TToP: True Tissue on Platform
(Fiore Gianfranco Beniamino, Soncini Monica)
- (2020) ESSENCE
(Ferrante Simona)
- (2019) SINERGIA - Advanced Technologies for Drug Discovery and Precision Medicine: in Vitro Modelling Human Physiology and Disease
(Rasponi Marco)
- (2019) UKNEEVERSAL: A Miniaturized 3D in Vitro Model of Human Joint to Gain New Knowledge on Osteoarthritis Pathophysiology
(Rasponi Marco)
(Rasponi Marco)
- (2019) uKNEEque
(Rasponi Marco)
- (2019) ATLAS
(De Momi Elena)
(Redaelli Alberto Cesare Luigi)
- (2019) DIH-HERO (Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics)
(Ferrigno Giancarlo)
- (2018) ALPHA-STEM: Advanced Laboratory Phantoms for Soft Tissues in Engineering and Medicine
(De Momi Elena)
- (2017) MY-ATRIA
(Mainardi Luca)
- (2017) SIDERA^B - Sistema Integrato DomiciliarE e Riabilitazione Assistita al Benessere
(Baselli Giuseppe)
- (2017) CerebNEST
(Pedrocchi Alessandra Laura Giulia)
(Frigo Carlo Albino)
- (2017) LNMA - related cardiomyopathy as a paradigm of cardiovascular precision medicine: innovative diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic approaches
(Redaelli Alberto Cesare Luigi)
- (2017) MoveCare
(Ferrante Simona)
- (2017) SMARTsurg - SMart weArable Robotic Teleoperated Surgery
(Ferrigno Giancarlo)
- (2016) EDEN2020
(De Momi Elena)
- (2016) BD2DECIDE - Big Data and Models for personalized head and neck cancer decision support
(Mainardi Luca)
- (2016) LINK
(Bianchi Anna Maria Maddalena)
- (2015) AMMODIT - Approximation Methods for Molecular Modelling and Diagnosis Tools
(Redaelli Alberto Cesare Luigi)
- (2015) MUSICARE - MUltiSectoral Integrative approaches to CArdiac care
(Redaelli Alberto Cesare Luigi)
- (2015) RETRAINER
(Pedrocchi Alessandra Laura Giulia)
- (2013) THINK&GO - Transfer Health Innovation Through Knowledge & Generate Organized technological approaches in rehabilitation
(Cerutti Sergio)
- (2013) Shockomics
(Baselli Giuseppe)
- (2013) Oncological pathology and long survivals: quantitative evaluation of limbs affected by lymphedema and their recovery after specific rehabilitative treatments
(Galli Manuela)
- (2013) Shape analysis and bayesian networks for interpreting emotions
(Ferrario Manuela)
- (2012) Planhab
(Aliverti Andrea)
- (2012) EU-Ukrainian Mathematicians for Life Sciences
(Redaelli Alberto Cesare Luigi)
- (2012) Validation of real time tumor tracking models with four-dimensional magnetic resonance-imaging
(Riboldi Marco)
- (2011) Active
(De Momi Elena)
- (2011) Development and validation of hybrid models for the implementation of patient specific hemodynamics analysis
(Passoni Giuseppe)
- (2010) MUNDUS - MUltimodal Neuroprosthesis for Daily Upper limb Support
(Ferrigno Giancarlo)
- (2010) ENVISION
(Baroni Guido)
- (2010) NICE
(Crivellini Marcello, Galli Manuela)
- (2010) Cardiorespiratory dysregulation in hypertensive cardiomyopathy and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(Ferrario Manuela)
- (2008) Virtual Pathological Heart for the Virtual Physiological Human
(Redaelli Alberto Cesare Luigi)
- (2008) NEUROPT
(Cerutti Sergio)
- (2008) Robocast
(Ferrigno Giancarlo)
- (2008) HeartCycle
(Bianchi Anna Maria Maddalena, Cerutti Sergio)
- (2007) TRAMA
(Crivellini Marcello)
- (2007) SurgAid
(Caiani Enrico Gianluca)