Research Area:
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Contribution from Regione Lombardia
Start date: 2010-01-01
Length: 48 months
Project abstract
The NICE project aimed to define and transfer to the clinics some new protocols for the evaluation of human movement and of the related neurophysiologic signals in presence of particular pathologies, in particular children affected by Cerebral Palsy, before and after specific treatments for spasticity reduction. Partners of the project were the Medicine faculty of University of Chile and Instituto Rehabilitacion Infantil Teleton, Santiago de Chile (Chile).
The principal objectives of the project are:
The principal objectives of the project are:
- definition of protocols for the evaluation of movement in children with disability. These protocols are innovative because they allow the evaluation not only of multifactorial motor aspects (with data related to kinematics, kinetics and EMG) but also, with the EEG, of parameters related to cerebral activity. In this way the signal coming from the nervous central system associated with the central command (input) can be related to the signals of the motor gesture (output).
- evaluation of the efficacy of rehabilitative treatments of new generation (botulinum toxin, orthopaedic surgery, specific orthesis and new rehabilitative techniques such as CIMT (Constraint Induced Movement Therapy) with the application of the protocols pre and post treatment.
Project results
- E. Molteni, V. Cimolin, E. Preatoni, R. Rodano, M. Galli, A.M. Bianchi: “Towards a biomarker of motor adaptation: integration of kinematic and neural factors”, IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, vol. 20, n. 3, pp. 258-267, 2012.
- C. Rigoldi, E. Molteni, C. Rozbaczylo, M. Morante, G. Albertini, A.M. Bianchi, M. Galli: “Movement analysis and EEG recordings in children with hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy”, Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale, vol. 223, n. 4, pp. 517-524, 2012.
- E. Molteni, C. Rigoldi, M. Morante, C. Rozbacylo, M. Haro, G. Albertini, G. Galli, A.M. Bianchi: “Quantification of long-term effects of botulinum injection in a case of cerebral palsy affecting the upper limb movement”, Developmental Neurorehabilitation.