Advisory Board
The Advisory Board of the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria comprises personalities from the world of manufacturing, business, and research, appointed by the director. The purpose of the Board is to stimulate an increasing relationship between the Department and the outside world through sharing ideas, reflections, and even new strategies.

Cesare Baroni - IBM Italia, Vice President Finance & Supply Chain & CIO
Luca Benini - ETHZ, IEEE and ACM fellow, Chair of Digital Circuits and Systems
Elena Bottinelli - San Donato Group, CEO San Raffaele Hospital and Istituto Ortopedico Galezzi
Giuliano Busetto - Siemens Italia, Head of Digital Industry
Carlo Cavazzoni - Leonardo SpA, Head of Computational R&D
Pierpaolo Cazzola - University of California and Columbia University
Elisabetta Cherchi - New Castle University, Professor of Transport, School of Civil Engineering,
Giuseppe Desoli - STM, STM Fellow, Senior Director of Artificial Intelligence & Embedded Architectures
Alessandro Matera - Infineon Italia, Managing Director & CIO
Antonio Spera - General Electric Italia, CEO