Area Council and Coordinator
The Area Council comprises the Faculty members of the Area (professors and researchers) and represents the research area in front of the Department Chairman, Council and Board. The Area Council appoints among its members one professor as the Area Coordinator. The Coordinator summons the Council and represents the whole Area in the Department Council meetings.
Systems and Control Area Coordinator
Prof. Paolo Rocco
Bioengineering Area Coordinator
Prof. Alberto Cesare Luigi Redaelli
Electrical Engineering Area Coordinator
Prof. Michele Norgia
Electronics Area Coordinator
Prof. Carlo Fiorini
Computer Science and Engineering Area Coordinator
Prof. Cristina Silvano
Telecommunications Area Coordinator
Prof. Stefano Tubaro
Scientific Board
The Scientific Board comprises the Chairman and the Area Coordiantors. The basic tasks of the Scientific Board are: to assist the Chairman in preparing the document illustrating the scientific project of the Department; to evaluate the results of the research; to identify possible research of strategic interest, to be carried out in a coordinated manner between the various areas, also shared with other departments or with other scientific institutions or foundations, to be approved by the Department Council; to deal with the collection of scientific credentials of the Department; to formulate a proposal for the allocation of funds of the Department; to formulate a proposal for the allocation of resources in terms of personnel and infrastructures.
Board members: Prof. Sergio Savaresi, Prof. Paolo Rocco, Prof. Alberto Redaelli, Prof. Michele Norgia, Prof. Carlo Ettore Fiorini, Prof. Cristina Silvano, Prof. Stefano Tubaro.
Education Board
The Education Board comprises the Chairman, the Delegate for Education, and the Department faculty members of the School Board. The Education Board collects and transfers to the Department the information and the operational needs that arise from the Schools, and encourages initiatives aimed at the evaluation, improvement and promotion of the Courses. The Board also supports the Chairman and the Areas Coordinators in the preparation of the course schedule.
Board members: Prof. Sergio Savaresi, Prof. Matteo Cesana, Prof. Luca Bascetta, Prof. Maria Prandini, Prof. Luca Mainardi, Prof. Flavia Grassi, Prof. Franco Zappa, Prof. Marco Brambilla, Prof. Augusto Sarti, Prof. Giuseppe Passoni, Prof. Renato Casagrandi, Prof. Franca Garzotto.