Organs of the Department
The Chairman officially represents the Department in all of its activities. He formulates the Department’s scientific program based on the input coming from the Areas and is the legal representative of the Department. In his daily activity, he is supported by the Deputy Chair and Delegates, the Department Council and the Department Board.
Department Council
Decision making at the Department level is responsibility of the Department Council, held by all the professors (full, associate and assistant) members of the DEIB. It has also a seat for three representatives of the technical and administrative staff, and another one for two representatives of the PhD students.
Department Board
The Department Board handles all the Department’s administrative issues. It comprises the Chairman, the Deputy Chair, the Administration Manager, one elected member per research Area, one member of the Board of the School and one representative of the technical and administrative staff. The Department Board elaborates issues that will eventually be submitted to the Department Council and supervises the implementation of the Council resolutions.
Elected members:
- Systems and Control: Prof. Gian Paolo Incremona
- Bioengineering: Prof. Anna Maria Bianchi
- Electrical Engineering: Prof. Federico Bizzarri
- Electronics: Prof. Carlo Samori
- Computer Science and Engineering: Prof. Matteo Matteucci
- Telecommunications: Prof. Francesco Morichetti
- Member of the Board of the School: Prof. Giuseppe Passoni
- Representatives of the technical and administrative staff: Marco Zuin