THINK&GO - Transfer Health Innovation Through Knowledge & Generate Organized technological approaches in rehabilitation
Contribution from Regione Lombardia
Start date: 2013-11-01
Length: 36 months
Project abstract
THINK&GO, started on November 2013, is a Research Project funded by Lombardy Region and Cariplo Foundation where Politecnico in Milano has the role of Principal Investigator and DEIB is the main partner.
The project aims at strengthening and improving the motor rehabilitation process in Lombardy, through three actions which foresee:
DEIB contributes to the Project through the collaboration of B3Lab (Biosignals, Bioimaging and Bioinformatics Laboratory) and NEARlab (NEuroengineering And medical Robotics Laboratory), acting as a support organism to industries in the product developmental phase, with a primary role for the development of rehabilitation devices. The main task addresses to the integration of an EEG headset with a hand rehabilitation glove (Gloreha®) for the real time evaluation of rehabilitative effects. Specific algorithms will be developed to process the complexity of detected signals and to enhance parameters capable to provide a better evaluation of the rehabilitative exercise, by including data relative to neural central activity with peripheral and functional activity data, according to defined clinical protocols. Further, the two Labs of Bioengineering section will be responsible of the technical validation of the devices. In particular, signal quality, capability of the algorithms to enhance relevant parameters, property of the system to work in real time and the possibility of using the enhanced parameters to distinguish different pathophysiological states will be investigated. Advancement of the Project: the Projects partners have enrolled 10 young researchers (4 from DEIB) who are participating to a multidisciplinary training program. Actually, 13 frontal lessons on July 2014 at the research labs of the partnerships have been organized as well as Meetings and working Panels on October-December 2014. Actually, two young researchers of DEIB are at the international centers of Graz and Boston.
The project aims at strengthening and improving the motor rehabilitation process in Lombardy, through three actions which foresee:
- to increase the collaboration between clinical and research centers with industries inside the Lombard territory; to provide a specific and multidisciplinary high-level training of 10 young researchers at the centers and industries of the partnership, including a 6-month stage abroad, at the following Institutions: “Laboratory of Brain-Computer Interfaces”, Technical University Graz, Austria; “European Synchrotron Research Facility” (ESRF) Grenoble, France; “The Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital Laboratory” Boston, USA; as well as at EIT “European Institute of Technology” (Reference institution of Living Labs and supporting the programming policies of EU, mainly inside Horizon 2020), Ambient Assisted Living Association, Trento, Italy;
- to improve the research by creating a network among the existing labs present in Lombard territory (Hub-Lab) and to foster the collaboration with international labs and excellence researchers;
- to develop innovative products and services for subjects suffering by neuromotor pathologies, through the strengthening and reinforcement of an integrated production chain of rehabilitation, based upon innovative technological solutions to improve the accessibility, the monitoring and the effectiveness of rehabilitative therapy.
DEIB contributes to the Project through the collaboration of B3Lab (Biosignals, Bioimaging and Bioinformatics Laboratory) and NEARlab (NEuroengineering And medical Robotics Laboratory), acting as a support organism to industries in the product developmental phase, with a primary role for the development of rehabilitation devices. The main task addresses to the integration of an EEG headset with a hand rehabilitation glove (Gloreha®) for the real time evaluation of rehabilitative effects. Specific algorithms will be developed to process the complexity of detected signals and to enhance parameters capable to provide a better evaluation of the rehabilitative exercise, by including data relative to neural central activity with peripheral and functional activity data, according to defined clinical protocols. Further, the two Labs of Bioengineering section will be responsible of the technical validation of the devices. In particular, signal quality, capability of the algorithms to enhance relevant parameters, property of the system to work in real time and the possibility of using the enhanced parameters to distinguish different pathophysiological states will be investigated. Advancement of the Project: the Projects partners have enrolled 10 young researchers (4 from DEIB) who are participating to a multidisciplinary training program. Actually, 13 frontal lessons on July 2014 at the research labs of the partnerships have been organized as well as Meetings and working Panels on October-December 2014. Actually, two young researchers of DEIB are at the international centers of Graz and Boston.