Awards: System architectures
- Graduate Student Research Grant
- 2nd CINI Summer School on High Performance Computing and Emerging Technologies
- Best Poster Award
- RecSys Challenge 2023
- Best Poster Award
- RecSys Challenge 2021: first place
- Premio Tesi di Dottorato "Prof. Florian Daniel"
- PoliMi, the only university participating in the first submission of MLPerf
- ACM Europe Council Best Paper Award
- RuCTF 2019
- 2nd place at RecSys Challenge 2018
- 2017 XILINX Open Hardware PhD Award
- 2018 IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine Outstanding Paper Award
- RAW Best Demo Award 2017
- IEEE Computer Society Italy Section Chapter 2016 PhD Thesis Award
- Maxeler Open Dataflow Design Competition 2017
- 2016 HiPEAC Technology Transfer Award
- Nokia Visiting Professor scolarship
- 2016 Best Regular Paper Award at INNS Conference on Big Data
- 2016 Best Regular Paper Award at INNS Conference on Big Data
- International Neural Networks Society Gabor Award
- 2016 IEEE CIS Outstanding TNNLS Paper award
- Invited paper
- Invited paper
- Invited paper
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- 2015 IBM Faculty Awards
- Invited paper
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited paper
- IEEE Distinguished Lecturer
- Program Chair of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN 2014
- Vice President for Education, IEEE CIS Executive Committee, 2013- 2014
- Vice President for Education of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS), 2015-2016
- Golden Core award
- Fellow of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA)
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Keynote Speaker at ReCoSoC 2013
- Keynote speaker at BICS 2013
- Keynote speaker at ISNN 2013
- IBM Faculty Awards 2013
- GSE Academic Award for Excellence 2013
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Chair of the IEEE CIS Awards Committee, 2012
- Vice President for Education of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS), 2013-2014
- General Chair of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN 2012
- Program Co-Chair DAC
- Certificate of appreciation for Administrator IEEE CIS Travel Grants, 2012
- IEEE SoC 2012 Best paper award
- QEST 2012
- I2P 2012
- Administrative Committee of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
- President of IEEE Council on EDA
- Second place at EU Hackhathon
- IEEE-INNS 2011 "Oustanding service award"
- VizSec 2011 Best paper award
- Certificate of appreciation from IEEE
- Member of the IEEE F. Ronsenblatt award committee
- Best paper award: Performance 2011
- IEEE Senior Member 2011
- IEEE Fellow 2011
- Membro esperto per il Ministero Istruzione Università e Ricerca
- Membro del Consiglio Scientifico della Fondazione Ansaldo
- Membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione del CINECA
- Track Chair GLSVLSI 2011
- Finance Chair of IEEE/ACM
- IEEE DFT Best Paper Award 2010
- IEEE TCPP Best Student Paper Award
- 2010 Chorafas Foundation Award
- Member of the Board of Directors of the ENNS
- IEEE Fellowship
- Best student paper award
- IEEE Council of EDA President Elect 2010-2011
- Co-General Chair of IEEE/ACM ESWEEK 2010
- Chair of the Technical Committee on Neural Networks of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
- Certificate of appreciation from IEEE
- Google Research Award - CRESPI REGHIZZI STEFANO
- IEEE Computer Society Outstanding Contribution Award
- IEEE Council of EDA Oustanding Service
- HiPEAC Collaboration Grant
- Chair of the Technical Committee on Neural Networks of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
- Chair of the Technical Committee on Intelligent Measurement Systems of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
- Certificate of Appreciation from IEEE
- Invited talk
- Fondazione Rocca Award
- 2008 Chorafas Foundation Award
- IEEE Computer Society: vice-chair Italy Chapter, 2008-2009
- Chair of the Technical Committee on Intelligent Measurement Systems of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
- ISSA (Information Systems Security Association) Director 2009-2010
- Chair of the Technical Committee on Neural Networks of the Computational Intelligence Society
- Chair (2006-2008) of the IEEE Computational Intelligence task force on Intelligent Measurement Systems of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
- Invited talk
- Vice-chair of the IEEE Neural Networks Technical Committee of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
- Invited Talk
- Best paper award
- Best Paper Award
- Certificate of appreciation from IEEE
- ACM Service Award
- 2006 Chorafas Foundation Award
- Borsa di Studio
- Master of Science Degree award
- IEEE Fellowship
- Borsa di Studio
- IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Young Engineer Award
- Co-Chair of the Technical Committee TC-22 Intelligent Measurement Systems of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society (2003-)
- 2002 Chorafas Foundation Award
- Best Paper Award
- Best Paper Award
- 1997 Chorafas Foundation Award
- Certificate of Appreciation from IEEE
- Best Paper Award
- Best Poster Paper Award
- Invited talk