VizSec 2011 Best paper award
Francesco Roveta, Luca Di Mario, Federico Maggi, Giorgio Caviglia, Stefano Zanero and Paolo Ciuccarelli, won the VizSec 2011 Best paper award with the paper "BURN: Baring Unknown Rogue Networks". The paper presents BURN, a novel interface for visualization and analysis of the data contained in the FIRE database (, developed through a joint effort by the DensityDesign Lab of the INDACO department, and the VPLab of DEI. BURN allows a researcher to analyze visually the various portions of the Internet that host malicious servers, with the aim of identifying easily insecure and rogue networks. The paper was presented at the VizSec 2011, the Conference that brings researchers and practitioners from academia, government, and industry to share insights solutions to modern cyber security challenges using visualization techniques. Further information at
Best paper awards
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Best paper awards
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