IBM Faculty Awards 2013
For 2013, the prestigious IBM Faculty Award was awarded to Cesare Alippi for "BE-ALIVE: Detect to Perceive, React to Anticipate".
"BE-ALIVE: Detect to Perceive, React to Anticipate"
The emergence of nontrivial embedded sensor units and sensor/actuator networks has made possible the design and implementation of several sophisticated applications where huge amounts of real-time data are collected. However, acquired data may be influenced by uncontrolled variables as well as external environmental factors, which impair the availability, validity and usability of data with a negative impact on the subsequent decision making activity.
The research aims at advancing active machine learning mechanisms to analyze and interpret sensor data so that concept drift (i.e., changes affecting the incoming datastream) is detected (detect to perceive), causes isolated and accommodated for in future decisions (react to anticipate).
international recognitions
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international recognitions
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