Awards: Technologies for diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation
- Advancing Technology for Humanity. Most Promising Researcher in Robotics and AI
- Appointment to Member of the "Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence" Area
- Member of the Regulatory Affairs Committee of the European Society of Cardiology
- Best Presentation Award
- Invited speaker
- First Runner Up Student Paper Award
- 2021 Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award
- Invited Speaker at the European Society of Cardiology Digital Summit 2021 on "Saving lives by optimising city-wide positioning of defibrillator"
- Invited Speaker at ANMCO (Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri) Nationl Congress
- Invited talk at the Royal Society of Medicine. The future of respiratory medicine - Personalised medicine
- Invited talk at the Hot topic Session at the European Respiratory Society Congress
- Vice-Chair of the ESC Digital Health Committee
- Invited Speaker at EuroHeartCare Congress
- Invited Speaker at the 5° eCardiology and eHealth Conference
- Best poster Award at 5° eCardiology and eHealth congress
- Invited Speaker at the 5° eCardiology and eHealth Conference - 2nd talk
- Invited Speaker at Eurothrombosis 2018
- Invited Speaker at "Convegno Intelligenza Artificiale e Ricerca Clinica" in Milano
- Invited Speaker at "Congresso Luci e ombre in Aritmologia" in Pisa
- Past-Chair of the Working Group on e-Cardiology, European Society of Cardiology
- Member of the Advocacy and Public Policy Committee, European Society of Cardiology
- Invited Speaker at the European Society of Cardiology Congress
- Invited Speaker at the European Society of Cardiology Congress - 2nd talk
- Editorial Board member of the journal "Sensors"
- Invited Speaker at Congresso ANMCO VeNEXTo 2018
- Invited Speaker at the Europrevent 2018
- Invited Speaker at 15° Congresso Nazionale AIAC
- Invited Speaker at CardioEgypt 2018
- Invited speaker
- Keynote Speaker
- International Guest Speaker
- ESC Moderated Poster Award
- Innovation Advisory Board of the CompBioMed Centre of Excellence
- Head of ERS Assembly 4
- Invited Plenary Speaker
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Invited talk
- Best Student Paper Award at the 7th International IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference NER 2015
- Invited talk
- Vice-chairman of the e-Cardiology Working Group at the Cardiology European Society
- Membro del Comitato Etico del San Raffaele di Roma
- Member of the VPH Institute
- Secretary of the Working Group e-Cardiology, European Society of Cardiology
- National Secretary of ISPO Italia
- Winner of "Henryk M. Wisniewski Memorial Award
- Invited to the 2012 ESMAC congress
- Chair of the group 4.01 “Clinical Physiology and Exercise” of ERS
- Best Poster award
- Delegate of the Regione Lombardia Cluster to the European Innovation Platform on Active and Healthy Ageing
- ESTRO 2011 Conference paper selected
- Scholarship Award of the 21st NCM Annual Conference
- President of the SIAMOC
- Student Travel Award at the XVI International Annual Conference of the IFES Society
- Secretary of the group ‘Respiratory Structure and Function’ of ERS
- Board of Directors of the IFESS
- Appointment in the ISO TC184 SC2 JWG9 working group
- Presidente della SIAMOC