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Elena De Momi has MSc in Biomedical Engineering (2002) and PhD in Bioengineering (2006). From 2010 she is Assistant Professor at the Bioengineering Department of Politecnico di Milano. During her PhD she stayed several months at MEM Research Center Institute for Surgical Technology and Biomechanics, University of Bern, Switzerland, and at ICAOS Lab, Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US. She is in charge of practical lessons at the undergraduate level Biomedical Instrumentation and Medical Robotics and Technologies in Surgery at the graduate level at Politecnico di Milano, Biomedical Engineering Course and she is responsible of the Medical Robotics course of the PhD program. She is responsible of the Instrumentation and Functional Evaluation Course lessons at the undergraduate level of Biomedical Engineering Course. Since 2006 she has been involved in the Neuroengineering and Medical Robotics Laboratory of the Bioengineering Department and has participated to several national and European grants in the field of computer assisted surgery, keyhole robotic neurosurgery (FP7 ICT 215190 ROBOCAST), awake functional robotic neurosurgery (FP7 ICT 270460 ACTIVE) and to the research network EUROSURGE (ICT 288233). She has been appointed as expert evaluator and reviewer of FP6 and FP7 EU projects. She is coauthor of 25 peer reviewed journal papers. Her research interests cover the fields of computer aided surgery, medical robotics, biomechanics and sensors.