Alessandra Pedrocchi received her degree in electronic engineering and her doctorate in bioengineering at the Politecnico di Milano in 1997 and 2001. She is currently an associate professor at the Department of Electronics, Computer Science, and Bioengineering of the Politecnico di Milano, where she teaches Neuroengineering and Biomedical Instrumentation in the course of studies in Biomedical Engineering. She is one of the founders of the Nearlab laboratory, the NeuroEngineering And Medical Robotics lab, established in 2008 at POLIMI. Since then, she has been in charge of the Neuroengineering section ( ). Since 2019 she has been in charge of the interdepartmental laboratory "WE-COBOT LAB Wearable and collaborative robotics Laboratory". Alessandra's research interest is neuroengineering, including biomechanics in motor control, neurorobotics, new technologies for neurorehabilitation, with particular emphasis on the control systems and Human-robot interfaces of upper and lower limb exoskeletons for rehabilitation and assistive devices, neuroprostheses, and the study of the correlation between brain plasticity and functional recovery. She has coordinated various research projects funded by national private foundations (Fnd. Cariplo and Fnd. Telethon), European projects (Horizon 2020 -RETRAINER, H2020- FET Flagship Human Brain Project, FP7-REALNET), national funding (PRIN), regional projects (GenePark, Ability, Empatia, AGREE) and NIH funding and joint projects with INAIL (FESleg). She is director of the first and second-level university master on "RehabTech: Technologies for innovation in Rehabilitation Medicine and for assistance - From technological innovation to clinical translation, research and healthcare management" ( ).
She has been a senior member of the IEEE since 2018 and is Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction of Neural System and Rehabilitation and Frontiers in Neuroscience.
She has been a senior member of the IEEE since 2018 and is Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction of Neural System and Rehabilitation and Frontiers in Neuroscience.