WS-Diamond - Web-Serving Diagnosability, Monitoring & Diagnosis
EU Research FP6
DEIB Role: Partner
Start date: 2005-09-14
Length: 30 months
Project abstract
Self-healing software is one of the challenges for IST research. This project aims to take a step in this direction by developing a framework for self-healing Web Services.
The project will produce:
The project will produce:
- an operational framework for self-healing service execution of conversationally complex Web Services, where monitoring, detection and diagnosis of anomalous situations, due to functional or non-functional errors (e.g., Quality of Service), is carried on and repair/reconfiguration is performed, thus guaranteeing reliability and availability of Web Services;
- a methodology and tools for service design that guarantee effective and efficient diagnosability/repairability during execution;
- demonstration of these results on real applications.
Project results
- F. Daniel, B. Pernici, “Insights into Web Service Orchestration and Choreography”, International Journal of E-Business Research, Volume 2, Number 1, Idea Group Publishing, January-March 2006.
- C. Cappiello, C. Francalanci, B. Pernici, “A self-monitoring system to satisfy data quality requirements”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2005), pp. 1535-1552, November 2005.
- C. Cappiello, P. Ficiaro, B. Pernici, “HIQM: a Methodology for Information Quality Monitoring, Measurement, and Improvement”, QOIS ER Workshop, 2006.
- Stefano Modafferi, Enrico Mussi, Barbara Pernici, SH-BPEL - A Self-Healing plug-in for Ws-BPEL engines, Middleware for Service Oriented Computing (MW4SOC) Workshop of the 7th International Middleware Conference 2006, November, 2006, Melbourne, Australia.
- Mariagrazia Fugini, Enrico Mussi, "Recovery of Faulty Web Applications through Service Discovery", SMR-VLDB Workshop, Matchmaking and Approximate Semantic-based Retrieval: Issues and Perspectives, 32nd International Conference on Very Large Databases, Seoul, Korea, September 12-15, 2006, pp 67-80.
- C. Cappiello, B. Pernici, A Methodology for Information Quality Management in Self-healing Web Services, International Conference on Information Quality, Boston, Nov. 2006.
- M.G. Fugini, P. Plebani, and F. Ramoni, “A user driven policy selection model”, In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC2006), Short Paper, pp. 427-433, Chicago, IL, USA, Dicembre 2006.
- M. Comuzzi, B. Pernici, “A Model and an Architecture for Flexible Web Service QoS Negotiation”, presentato per la pubblicazione.