Full professor

Barbara Pernici is full professor of Computer Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. She has a doctor in engineering degree (laurea) from the Politecnico di Milano and a MS in Computer Science from Stanford University. Previously she was full professor at the University of Udine (1990-1993) and associate professor at the Politecnico di Milano (1987-1990).
Her research interests include workflow information systems design, cooperative information systems, adaptive information systems, service engineering and web services, data quality, and computer based design support tools, energy efficiency in information systems.
She has published more than 50 papers in international journals, co-edited 26 books, and published about 350 papers at international level.
She is scientific leader in the European project GAMES (Green Active Management of Energy in Service Centers). She also participated in the following ESPRIT and IST European projects: TODOS, developing a tool to support office information system design, ITHACA, developing a model and tools for supporting reuse of object-oriented conceptual components, EQUATOR, developing a model and a temporal deductive information system, and F3, working on the definition of a reuse model and methodology, WIDE (Workflow on Intelligent Distributed database Environment, 1995-1999), RENOIR (network of excellence for requirements engineering) (as Italian coordinator), Chorochronos on spatio-temporal databases (Training and Mobility of Researchers program), WS-Diamond (2005-2008) on self-healing web services, S-Cube, European research network on software services. She has been chief scientist of the Italian MIUR-MURST FIRB research project MAIS (Multichannel Adaptive Information Systems). She has coordinated several National Research Council and Italian Research projects. She has been part of the program committee in several international conferences, among which ICWS, ECOWS, WWW, VLDB, SIGMOD, ER, ECOOP, CAISE, BPM, Mobis, IFIP conferences, and referee for several international journals. She has been program chairperson of the IFIP WG 8.4 Working Conference on "Office Information Systems: the Design Process", held in Linz (Austria) in 1988, for the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'98) in Pisa in 1998, and she has been organizing chairperson of the Working Conference of the IFIP WG 8.1 "Information System Development Process", held in Como in Sept. 1993. In 2004, she co-chaired the international conference on Business Process Management, held in Potsdam, the IFIP TC8 working conference on Mobile Information Systems, held in Oslo, and the CAiSE workshop on Information and Data Quality, held in Riga. In 2005, she co-chaired the Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (COOPIS), held in Cyprus. In 2006 she has been area responsible for IC SOC. She is workshop chair for CAISE 2007. She has been general chair of BPM 2008, Milano. She is progtam chair for the Caise 2010 conference and co-chair of the ICSOC Workshop SEE (
She has been involved in the editorial board Requirements Engineering Journal, for the Journal on Cooperative Information Systems as regional editor, and the Journal on Database Management in the editorial review board and she is involved in the editorial board of the ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality.
She has been invited speaker at the RCIS, DEXA, ICEIS international conferences and in ICWE e BPM workshops.
She has been elected chair of TC8 Information Systems of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and of IFIP WG 8.1 on Information Systems Design.
She is one of the proposers of the IFIP SIG on Services.
Prof. Pernici is the Dean of the PhD School of the Politecnico di Milano.