Open Network Intelligence for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (ONI-CAV)

Università degli Studi di Catania, Aula Magna Oliveri (Edificio 4)
Cittadella Universitaria, Viale A. Doria, 6 - CT
3rd July, 2024 | 9.30 am - 7.00 pm
Cittadella Universitaria, Viale A. Doria, 6 - CT
3rd July, 2024 | 9.30 am - 7.00 pm
The "Open Network Intelligence for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles" Workshop, organized by the DEIB Information Transmission research group, will be held at the Università degli Studi di Catania on July 3rd, 2024 starting from 9.30 am.
Proff. Sergio Savaresi, Umberto Spagnolini, and Francesco Linsalata will be among the main speakers of the event.
The workshop's primary objective is to provide a networking and dissemination event for providing an overview on the current state of the art on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles both from an academia and industrial point of view.
In the dynamic era of modern transportation, the integration of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) – both aerial and terrestrial – with communication technology will reshape the mobility patterns. This workshop seeks to unravel the benefits and challenges of this convergence, where intelligent CAVs become an integral part of the networked ecosystem, enabling more intelligent and smart mobile systems.
The workshop will explore the rise of assisted and automated transportation in the new Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) paradigm. Equipped with multiple Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) like high-definition cameras, radars and LiDARs, vehicles move in a coordinated and safe manner. Moreover, V2X signals are the key to facilitate seamless and instantaneous communication between vehicles and network infrastructure. Meanwhile, in the air, the complexities of aerial nodes, including coordinated Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) fleets and High-Altitude Platforms (HAP), exploit their roles as base stations and/or access points. We will investigate their integration into ground networks, exploring potential applications such as data traffic offloading and disaster relief efforts, as well as the challenges introduced by these energy-limited systems. The workshop will bring to light the technological advancements driving this transformation, exploring networking paradigms, signal processing techniques, and more. Through a blend of academic research and industry insights, we aim to chart a course towards safer, more intelligent, efficient, connected and autonomous transportation of moving elements.
The full program and the registration form are available on the website:
Proff. Sergio Savaresi, Umberto Spagnolini, and Francesco Linsalata will be among the main speakers of the event.
The workshop's primary objective is to provide a networking and dissemination event for providing an overview on the current state of the art on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles both from an academia and industrial point of view.
In the dynamic era of modern transportation, the integration of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) – both aerial and terrestrial – with communication technology will reshape the mobility patterns. This workshop seeks to unravel the benefits and challenges of this convergence, where intelligent CAVs become an integral part of the networked ecosystem, enabling more intelligent and smart mobile systems.
The workshop will explore the rise of assisted and automated transportation in the new Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) paradigm. Equipped with multiple Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) like high-definition cameras, radars and LiDARs, vehicles move in a coordinated and safe manner. Moreover, V2X signals are the key to facilitate seamless and instantaneous communication between vehicles and network infrastructure. Meanwhile, in the air, the complexities of aerial nodes, including coordinated Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) fleets and High-Altitude Platforms (HAP), exploit their roles as base stations and/or access points. We will investigate their integration into ground networks, exploring potential applications such as data traffic offloading and disaster relief efforts, as well as the challenges introduced by these energy-limited systems. The workshop will bring to light the technological advancements driving this transformation, exploring networking paradigms, signal processing techniques, and more. Through a blend of academic research and industry insights, we aim to chart a course towards safer, more intelligent, efficient, connected and autonomous transportation of moving elements.
The full program and the registration form are available on the website: