NECSTFridayTalk – Networking in the Post-Moore Era
Gianni Antichi
DEIB Associate Professor
DEIB - NECSTLab Meeting Room (Building 20)
On Line via Facebook
May 19th, 2023
12.30 pm
Marco Santambrogio
Research Line:
System architectures
Gianni Antichi
DEIB Associate Professor
DEIB - NECSTLab Meeting Room (Building 20)
On Line via Facebook
May 19th, 2023
12.30 pm
Marco Santambrogio
Research Line:
System architectures
On May 19th, 2023 at 12.30 pm "Networking in the Post-Moore Era" a new appointment of NECSTFridayTalk, will be held by Gianni Antichi, Associate Professor at DEIB Politecnico di Milano, in DEIB NECSTLab Meeting Room.
The slowdown of Moore’s Law, the end of Dennard’s scaling, and the rapid adoption of high-bandwidth links is creating new challenges when processing packets at speed. Recognising this problem, the research community has recently explored ways to help processing through offloads. In this talk, I will discuss opportunities and challenges when designing them. In particular, I will focus on two specific axis of the problem space: re-designing protocols and primitives using programmable hardware as well as enhancing software through compiler-driven approaches.
The slowdown of Moore’s Law, the end of Dennard’s scaling, and the rapid adoption of high-bandwidth links is creating new challenges when processing packets at speed. Recognising this problem, the research community has recently explored ways to help processing through offloads. In this talk, I will discuss opportunities and challenges when designing them. In particular, I will focus on two specific axis of the problem space: re-designing protocols and primitives using programmable hardware as well as enhancing software through compiler-driven approaches.
The NECSTLab is a DEIB laboratory, with different research lines on advanced topics in computing systems: from architectural characteristics, to hardware-software codesign methodologies, to security and dependability issues of complex system architectures.
Every week, the “NECSTFridayTalk” invites researchers, professionals or entrepreneurs to share their work experiences and projects they are implementing in the “Computing Systems”.
Event will hold on line by Facebook.