(Capone Antonio) - MINIONS
(Paganelli Chiara) - AHEAD
(Grillo Samuele) - STAPLES
(Baresi Luciano) - WIDEnzymes
(Gautieri Alfonso) - HAL4SDV
(Zaccaria Vittorio) - BuonMarrow – Bone Marrow-on-Chip as smart sensor of lung cancer relapse
(Rasponi Marco) - EBRAINS 2.0
(Antonietti Alberto, Pedrocchi Alessandra Laura Giulia) - SMASH-HCM
(Mainardi Luca) - HÈRMES
(Acconcia Giulia) - 3E-Partnership
(Piegari Luigi) - BETTER
(Pinoli Pietro) - INSIDE-HEART
(Corino Valentina) - AI4REALNET
(Restelli Marcello) - EvOoC
(Occhetta Paola) - ELIAS
(Gatti Nicola) - TETYS
(Bernasconi Anna) - HOLDEN
(D'Amico Michele) - ANIMATE
(Ielmini Daniele) - TRUSTroke
(Redondi Alessandro Enrico Cesare, Zanero Stefano) - ISOLDE
(Fornaciari William) - V-ACCESS – Vessel Advanced Clustered and Coordinated Energy Storage Systems
(Piegari Luigi) - AgriFoodTEF
(Matteucci Matteo) - REPERTORIUM
(Antonacci Fabio) - TEF-Health
(Pedrocchi Alessandra Laura Giulia) - QUID - Quantum Italy Deployment
(Boffi Pierpaolo, Martelli Paolo, Parolari Paola) - CitCom.ai TEF – European Artificial Intelligence Testing and Experimentation Facility for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities
(Mottola Luca) - RE-SKIN – Renewable and Environmental-Sustainable Kit for building Integration
(Piegari Luigi, Tanelli Mara) - LASTSTEP - group-IV LASer and deTectors on Si-TEchnology Platform
(Tosi Alberto) - PERIVALLON - Protecting the EuRopean terrItory from organised enVironmentAl crime through inteLLigent threat detectiON tools
(Fraternali Piero) - SHIFT – Sustainable Technologies Enabling Future Telecom Applications
(Levantino Salvatore) - ADEQUADE
(Tosi Alberto) - ENLIGHTEN
(Tosi Alberto) - SafeCREW
(Trovo' Francesco) - SHANNON
(Ielmini Daniele) - NimbleAI
(Ielmini Daniele) - SOS-WATER - Water Resources System Safe Operating Space in a Changing Climate and Society
(Castelletti Andrea Francesco) - MERIDIONAL - Multiscale Modelling for Wind Farm Design, Performance Assessment and Loading
(Fagiano Lorenzo Mario) - ECOTRON - How to Minimize the Ecological Footprint for Functional Electronics?
(Vesentini Simone) - TEADAL
(Plebani Pierluigi) - CS-AWARE-NEXT
(Cappiello Cinzia) - I3LUNG
(Pedrocchi Alessandra Laura Giulia) - SEAwise - Shaping Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management
(Melia' Paco Vasco Aldo) - CLINT - CLimate INTelligence
(Castelletti Andrea Francesco) - StorAIge - Embedded Storage Elements on Next MCU Generation Ready for AI on the Edge
(Ielmini Daniele) - GoNEXUS - Innovative Tools and Solutions for Governing the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems NEXUS under Global Change
(Castelletti Andrea Francesco) - ProID - Ultrafast Raman Technologies for Protein Identification and Sequencing
(Villa Federica Alberta) - HoloZcan
(Aliverti Andrea) - TEXTAROSSA - Towards EXtreme scale Technologies and AcceleRatOrS for HW/SW Supercomputing Applications for exascale)
(Agosta Giovanni, Fornaciari William) - CORE-MD - Coordinating Research and Evidence for Medical Devices
(Caiani Enrico Gianluca) - HERMES (High-pErformance pRogrammable Microprocessor and dEvelopment of Software ecosystem)
(Ferrandi Fabrizio) - RAPTOR - Real-time Adaptive Particle Therapy Of CanceR
(Baroni Guido) - PERSEPHONe
(Melloni Andrea Ivano) - ELO-X
(Fagiano Lorenzo Mario, Scattolini Riccardo) - LIGATE
LIgand Generator and portable drug discovery platform AT Exascale
(Ardagna Danilo, Palermo Gianluca, Silvano Cristina) - ARTERY
Autonomous Robotics for Transcatheter dEliveRy sYstems
(De Momi Elena, Votta Emiliano) - AI-SPRINT - Artificial intelligence in Secure PRIvacy-preserving computing coNTinuum
(Ardagna Danilo) - PIACERE – A DevSecOps Framework for Secure IaC Development and Operation
(Di Nitto Elisabetta) - ARCOS (Arctic Observatory for Copernicus SEA Service)
(Francalanci Chiara) - ESSENCE
(Ferrante Simona) - PERISCOPE - Pan-European Response To The Impacts Of Covid-19 And Future Pandemics And Epidemics
(Brambilla Marco) - APROPOS - Approximate Computing for Power and Energy Optimisation
(Agosta Giovanni, Fornaciari William) - EVEREST - dEsign enVironmEnt foR Extreme-Scale big data analyTics on heterogeneous platforms
(Pilato Christian) - PRECEPT - PRECEPT - A Novel Decentralized Edge-Enabled PREsCriptivE and ProacTive Framework for Increased Energy Efficiency and Well-Being in Residential Buildings
(Fraternali Piero) - ModFaBe - Modelling Individual Farmer Behaviours in Coupled Human Natural Systems under Changing Climate and Society
(Castelletti Andrea Francesco) - eCharge4Drivers
(Jabali Ola, Malucelli Federico) - ANDREAS - Artificial intelligence traiNing scheDuler foR disaggrEgAted resource clusterS
(Ardagna Danilo) - Crowd4SDG - Citizen Science for Monitoring Climate Impacts and Achieving Climate Resilience
(Pernici Barbara) - Exscalate4CoV project: faster drug discovery to fight the Coronavirus
(Palermo Gianluca, Silvano Cristina) - WORKINGAGE
(Pelosi Gerardo) - NEBULA - Neuro-Augmented 112GBAUD CMOS Plasmonic Transceiver Platform for Intra- and Inter-DCI Applications
(Sampietro Marco) - METRICS - Metrological Evaluation and Testing of Robots in International CompetitionS
(Matteucci Matteo) - SINERGIA - Advanced Technologies for Drug Discovery and Precision Medicine: in Vitro Modelling Human Physiology and Disease
(Rasponi Marco) - DEEPFIELD - Deep Learning in Field Robotics: from Conceptualization towards Implementation
(Matteucci Matteo) - UKNEEVERSAL: A Miniaturized 3D in Vitro Model of Human Joint to Gain New Knowledge on Osteoarthritis Pathophysiology
(Rasponi Marco) - STRONG-2020
(Fiorini Carlo Ettore) - ARROWHEAD Tools - Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions (ECSEL)
(Ielmini Daniele) - AI4DI - Artificial Intelligence for Digitizing Industry
(Silvano Cristina) - BEAST - Benchmark-Enabling Active Shopping Trolley
(Matteucci Matteo) - MADROB - Modular Active Door for RObot Benchmarking
(Matteucci Matteo) - ATLAS
(De Momi Elena) - SUPER-PIXELS
(Morichetti Francesco) - SODALITE
(Di Nitto Elisabetta) - DIH-HERO (Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics)
(Ferrigno Giancarlo) - HERMES - Hybrid Enhanced Regenerative Medicine Systems
(Ielmini Daniele) - SPRINT
(Rossi Matteo Giovanni) - TRIGGER
(Brambilla Marco) - HERMES-SP - High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites, Scientific Pathfinder
(Ferrandi Fabrizio) - Q-MIC: Quantum-enhanced on-chip interference microscopy
(Villa Federica Alberta) - UNIQORN
(Villa Federica Alberta) - ALPHA-STEM: Advanced Laboratory Phantoms for Soft Tissues in Engineering and Medicine
(De Momi Elena) - PROJECT O
(Castelletti Andrea Francesco) - RECIPE - REliable power and time-ConstraInts-aware Predictive management of heterogeneous Exascale systems
(Fornaciari William) - SCIROC - European Robotics League Plus Smart Cities Robot Competitions
(Matteucci Matteo) - TWIGA
(Monti-guarnieri Andrea Virgilio) - DataBench Project
(Francalanci Chiara) - MY-ATRIA
(Mainardi Luca) - microSPIRE: micro-crystals Single Photon InfraREd detectors
(Tosi Alberto) - R3-PowerUP: 300mm Pilot Line for Smart Power and Power Discretes
(Zappa Franco) - ELVITEN - Electrified L-Category Vehicles Integrated into Transport and Electricity Networks
(Malucelli Federico) - HEART - Holistic Energy and Architectural Retrofit Toolkit
(Piegari Luigi) - L4MS
(Bascetta Luca) - METRO-HAUL
(Maier Guido Alberto) - AUTODRIVE - Advancing fail-aware, fail-safe, and fail-operational electronic components, systems, and architectures for fully automated driving to make future mobility safer, affordable, and end-user acceptable
(Piegari Luigi) - TARANTO: TowARds Advanced bicmos NanoTechnology platforms for rf and thz applicatiOns
(Levantino Salvatore) - SPOTLIGHT
(Ferrario Maddalena) - TRAINING4CRM - European Training Network for Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine
(Tosi Alberto) - GeCO – Data Driven Genomic Computing
(Ceri Stefano) - PROTASIS - Restoring Trust in the Cyber Space: a Systems Security Proposal
(Zanero Stefano)