PeDS Lab - Power electronics, electrical Drives and Storage systems Laboratory

In the Power electronics, electrical Drives and Storage systems Laboratory, control strategies for electrical drives are developed, prototypes of innovative converters are designed and realized and HiL (Hardware in the Loop) systems are used to test the working functionalities of storage units in complex systems. Moreover, several tests about battery aging are performed.
At present, the main activity researches are:
At present, the main activity researches are:
- Study, design and realization of innovative power converters for automotive applications with fail-operational capabilities and integration of battery cells in the converter;
- Study, design and realization of innovative power converters for special applications (high-frequency converters using SiCs);
- Aging tests on lithium-based batteries;
- 3D FEM numerical simulations of electrical, magnetic and thermal problems;
- Study and realization of controllers and control algorithms of electric drives for light aircrafts;
- Design and realization of wireless power transfer systems;
- Design and implementation of control techniques for AC/DC converters during fault occurrences with and without the presence of earth connection; working operation of converters interfacing storage units and distributed generators to main grids;
- Modeling of innovative storage systems. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is used to analyze innovative storage units. Moreover, dynamics and life tests are performed in different working conditions and at different temperatures to obtain detailed models of storage units.
Service information
The Laboratory of Electric drives, power electronics and energy storage systems is situated on the ground floor of Building 7, inside Leonardo Campus (Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32).