Full professor
He took his Electrical Engineering M.Sc. degree in 1999 at the University of Naples Federico II. At the same University he took the PhD in Electrical Engineering in 2003 and then he was researcher at the Department of Electrical Engineering up to 2008. From December 2009 to present, he is assistant professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano. In 2000-2001 he participated to Atena Project (Ambiente Traffico TElematica Napoli) together with the Municipality of Naples, FIAT, Elasis, Fiat Research Center, CNR. Moreover he was in the work group of some PRIN supported by the Italian Ministry of Research. He is in the organizing committee of different international conferences (SPEEDAM, RTS, ESARS) and he is the conference manager of the International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP) co-sponsored by IEEE and Industrial Electronics Society. He is reviewer of many international conferences on Electrical machines, converters and drives and is reviewer for the international journals: “IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics”, “IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics”, “Elsevier - Electric Power Systems Research”, “Elsevier - Transportation Research Part C.”, “Electrical Engineering Research Report”