MOdel driven MOdernisation of Complex Systems
Research Area:
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Research Lines:
EU Research FP6
DEIB Role: Partner
Start date: 2006-09-01
Length: 24 months
Project abstract
MOMOCS aims at providing a methodology, along with related tools, for the fast reengineering of complex systems. Even if a complex system comprises both hardware and software components, MOMOCS mainly deals with its software parts, but the project also aims at addressing the interdependencies among the other components and between software and hardware elements.
MOMOCS studies how a complex (software) system can be modernised with the goal of keeping it aligned with the fast changes that characterize modern business processes and technical environments, and with the aims of having human beings as the center of the modernization.
To this end, MOMOCS allows users to concentrate on what to do, that is, the actual engineering principles behind the modernization, instead of wasting time and resources on understanding how to do it (and its implications with the rest of the system). The project proposes XIRUP, an eXtreme end-User dRiven Process methodology , as a compromise between rigorous and bureaucratic versus agile and unstructured methodologies by proposing. The project started in September 2006.
MOMOCS studies how a complex (software) system can be modernised with the goal of keeping it aligned with the fast changes that characterize modern business processes and technical environments, and with the aims of having human beings as the center of the modernization.
To this end, MOMOCS allows users to concentrate on what to do, that is, the actual engineering principles behind the modernization, instead of wasting time and resources on understanding how to do it (and its implications with the rest of the system). The project proposes XIRUP, an eXtreme end-User dRiven Process methodology , as a compromise between rigorous and bureaucratic versus agile and unstructured methodologies by proposing. The project started in September 2006.