Full professor
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Luciano Baresi is a full professor at the Politecnico di Milano – Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, where he earned both his laurea (master) degree and PhD in computer science. Luciano was visiting professor at University of Oregon (USA) and visiting researcher at University of Paderborn (Germany).
Luciano was program chair for ICECCS'02, FASE’06, ICWE’07, ICSOC’09, SEAMS’12 and ESEC/FSE’13, and general chair for WICSA’16. Luciano is member of the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, and of IEEE Transactions on Service Computing.
Luciano is co-author of more than 130 papers. Some of his works appeared on top-level journals/magazines like ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Computer, IEEE Software, and IEEE Internet Computing. He is also co-author of a book in Italian. Currently his work has been cited more than 6500 times and his h-index is 40 (source Google Scholar).
Luciano was awarded two CNR short-term mobility grants, an IBM Shared University Research award and an IBM Faculty award.
His research interests are in the broad area of software engineering. At the beginning he was interested in formal approaches for modeling and specification languages, he then moved to UML and the design of Web applications. Currently, he is interested in distributed systems, service-based applications and in the different aspects of mobile, self-adaptive, and pervasive software systems. His research has always been funded by participating in national and international projects. Among these, Luciano was responsible of the activities at Politecnico for the following EU-supported projects: MOMOCS, SLA@SOI, MADES, and Indenica.
Luciano was program chair for ICECCS'02, FASE’06, ICWE’07, ICSOC’09, SEAMS’12 and ESEC/FSE’13, and general chair for WICSA’16. Luciano is member of the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, and of IEEE Transactions on Service Computing.
Luciano is co-author of more than 130 papers. Some of his works appeared on top-level journals/magazines like ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Computer, IEEE Software, and IEEE Internet Computing. He is also co-author of a book in Italian. Currently his work has been cited more than 6500 times and his h-index is 40 (source Google Scholar).
Luciano was awarded two CNR short-term mobility grants, an IBM Shared University Research award and an IBM Faculty award.
His research interests are in the broad area of software engineering. At the beginning he was interested in formal approaches for modeling and specification languages, he then moved to UML and the design of Web applications. Currently, he is interested in distributed systems, service-based applications and in the different aspects of mobile, self-adaptive, and pervasive software systems. His research has always been funded by participating in national and international projects. Among these, Luciano was responsible of the activities at Politecnico for the following EU-supported projects: MOMOCS, SLA@SOI, MADES, and Indenica.