The project "Innovative Big Data Analytics System" (February 2016-February 2018) was financed by the "Smart Cities" Project System of Regione Lombardia as part of the “Competitiveness Agreements”. It has involved Politecnico di Milano and three ICT companies belonging to the CRIT Consortium of Cremona:
• MailUp, one of the leading European operators in e-mailing services;
• Microdata Service, a company specialized in outsourced document management services;
• Linea Com, part of LGH Group, a provider of connectivity in various areas of Lombardy and of ICT services for public administrations.
The project has studied and implemented solutions with innovative contents aimed at data collection, management and analysis systems, in the field of Big Data technologies. Each company has implemented a part of the overall system, aimed at both meeting its specific business objectives and contributing to the development of an integrated system through the sharing of three elements: skills, data and technological assets (infrastructures or applications).
The figure summarizes the technological components of the overall system (the colors indicate the areas of expertise of the companies: orange - MailUp, blue - Microdata, green -LineCom). The three subsystems are:
• Big Data management, processing and analysis system (created by MailUp).
• System for the acquisition of documental content (created by Microdata Service).
• Platform for data collection and integration in analysis systems (realized by Linea Com).
The integration between the three industrial partners is a starting point for extending the skills developed to the other companies in the Cremona and Lombardo territory, and has been set up on the shared services network organizational model, where the aggregated components are shared via a catalog of services.