Monica Vitali is Assistant Professor (RTD-B) at the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB) of Politecnico di Milano, from which she holds a Ph.D. in Information Technology (2014). Since January 2020, she is also Visiting Researcher at the Computer Science Department of Umeå University (Sweden).
Her research focuses on the assessment and management of Energy Efficiency and Quality of Service in Information Systems. Her work search for new strategies to improve the efficiency of data centres, clouds, and fog computing by applying techniques derived from the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning fields. More specifically, she has been working on energy efficiency and sustainability of cloud and fog applications, QoS-aware deployment in edge and fog computing, Data Quality in big data environments, Ambient Assisted Living, Smart Cities, and Smart Buildings.
Monica teaches courses on Information Systems (since 2015) and Fundamentals of Information Technology (since 2021) at Politecnico di Milano at the undergraduate level for the Information and Management Engineering degrees. In 2019, she was a temporary Associate Professor at Umeå University (Sweden) teaching the Cloud Computing and the Advanced Distributed Systems courses at the master level of the Computer Science degree.
In 2012 she was a recipient of the Roberto Rocca Fellowship for supporting 6 months as a visiting Ph.D. candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA.
Participation to European research projects: DITAS, BigSEA, Eco2Clouds, GAMES, HUMANOBS.
Her research focuses on the assessment and management of Energy Efficiency and Quality of Service in Information Systems. Her work search for new strategies to improve the efficiency of data centres, clouds, and fog computing by applying techniques derived from the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning fields. More specifically, she has been working on energy efficiency and sustainability of cloud and fog applications, QoS-aware deployment in edge and fog computing, Data Quality in big data environments, Ambient Assisted Living, Smart Cities, and Smart Buildings.
Monica teaches courses on Information Systems (since 2015) and Fundamentals of Information Technology (since 2021) at Politecnico di Milano at the undergraduate level for the Information and Management Engineering degrees. In 2019, she was a temporary Associate Professor at Umeå University (Sweden) teaching the Cloud Computing and the Advanced Distributed Systems courses at the master level of the Computer Science degree.
In 2012 she was a recipient of the Roberto Rocca Fellowship for supporting 6 months as a visiting Ph.D. candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA.
Participation to European research projects: DITAS, BigSEA, Eco2Clouds, GAMES, HUMANOBS.