NECSTFridayTalk – Advanced training with Low Cost virtual reality devices
Presenter: Prof. Marco Gribaudo
DEIB - NECSTLab Meeting Room (Bld. 20)
Online by Zoom
November 29th, 2024 | 11.30 am
Contact: Prof. Marco Santambrogio
DEIB - NECSTLab Meeting Room (Bld. 20)
Online by Zoom
November 29th, 2024 | 11.30 am
Contact: Prof. Marco Santambrogio
On November 29th, 2024 at 11.30 am a new appointment of NECSTFridayTalk series titled "Advanced training with Low Cost virtual reality devices" will take place at DEIB NECSTLab Meeting Room (Building 20) and on line by Zoom.
During this talk, we will have, as speaker, Marco Gribaudo, Professor at Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria.
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed reality devices have always been presented as a tool with which improve teaching methods, due to immersion, interaction and gamification. In the recent years, digital twins has become a buzz-word, which in many cases also relates to VRs, increasing the hype on the subject.
However, the cost of the involved technologies has always been a barrier on their adoption. In the recent years, new affordable solution to access VR have emerged: however, such devices have always been characterized by low-end specifications, making the creation of effective training solutions more challenging.
In this talk, some of the results we obtained in creating training applciations on Low Cost virtual reality solutions will be presented.
During this talk, we will have, as speaker, Marco Gribaudo, Professor at Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria.
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed reality devices have always been presented as a tool with which improve teaching methods, due to immersion, interaction and gamification. In the recent years, digital twins has become a buzz-word, which in many cases also relates to VRs, increasing the hype on the subject.
However, the cost of the involved technologies has always been a barrier on their adoption. In the recent years, new affordable solution to access VR have emerged: however, such devices have always been characterized by low-end specifications, making the creation of effective training solutions more challenging.
In this talk, some of the results we obtained in creating training applciations on Low Cost virtual reality solutions will be presented.
The NECSTLab is a DEIB laboratory, with different research lines on advanced topics in computing systems: from architectural characteristics, to hardware-software codesign methodologies, to security and dependability issues of complex system architectures.
Every week, the “NECSTFridayTalk” invites researchers, professionals or entrepreneurs to share their work experiences and projects they are implementing in the “Computing Systems”.