Piccolo Teatro di Milano
Via Rivoli 6, Milano
Quantum physics may seem like a distant concept, but it is actually at the heart of many of the innovations that are transforming our lives.
On Saturday, November 16, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., at the Piccolo Teatro di Milano, On Air - Voce alla Scienza presents an engaging evening to discover how this revolutionary theory, from its mysterious origins to cutting-edge developments, is shaping the future of technology.
In particular, during the event, Prof. Paolo Cremonesi from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering - Politecnico di Milano, an expert in quantum computing and coordinator of the Master's Degree in High Performance Computing, will explain how quantum phenomena can be used to solve extremely complex problems, paving the way for the computers of the future.
Prof. Cremonesi's talk will be followed by the play ‘The Servant of Two Masters’, staged by Stefano de Luca with Enrico Bonavera and the students of the Piccolo Teatro School.
Reserve a seat!