Politecnico di Milano, Campus Bovisa
Via Durando, 10 | via La Masa, 12
The Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering will be present at the Festival Internazionale dell’Ingegneria with three lectures. The Festival will be held from Friday 13 to Sunday 15 September 2024 at Politecnico di Milano's Bovisa Campus.
On Saturday 14 September 2024 at 11 a.m. Manuela Galli will give a lecture titled ‘Tecnologie innovative per l’educazione motoria inclusive nella scuola primaria’.
Sunday 15 September 2024 at 15:00 Nicola Gatti will address the topic of the social impact of artificial intelligence in the lecture ‘Le sfide dell’intelligenza artificiale per il futuro della società’.
Subsequently, at 16:00, Christian Pilato will discuss the potential of artificial intelligence with respect to the issues of disability and inclusion in the lecture ‘Intelligenza artificiale e comunicazione aumentativa: la strana coppia a support delle disabilità’.
Reservations via the app are required to participate in the activities. For more information visit the Festival Internazionale dell’Ingegneria website.