3D Reconstruction and Generative Modelling of Non-rigid Scenes at the 4DQV Research Group
Speaker: Prof. Vladislav Golyanik
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany
DEIB - Conference Room "E. Gatti" (Bld. 20)
October 7th, 2024 | 11.00 am
Contact: Prof. Luca Magri
Research Line: System architectures
Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany
DEIB - Conference Room "E. Gatti" (Bld. 20)
October 7th, 2024 | 11.00 am
Contact: Prof. Luca Magri
Research Line: System architectures
On October 7th, 2024 at 11.00 am the seminar titled "3D Reconstruction and Generative Modelling of Non-rigid Scenes at the 4DQV Research Group" will take place at DEIB Conference Room "Emilio Gatti" (Building 20).
Generative modelling and 3D reconstruction of non-rigid scenes from various conditioning signals and inputs, such as textual prompts, RGB images, or event streams, is a vibrant research field with many unsolved challenges. This talk will focus on several recent approaches falling in this category, to which the 4D and Quantum Vision (4DQV) research group has contributed over the last few years. The speaker will also outline promising directions for how the field could benefit from modern and upcoming quantum hardware.
Generative modelling and 3D reconstruction of non-rigid scenes from various conditioning signals and inputs, such as textual prompts, RGB images, or event streams, is a vibrant research field with many unsolved challenges. This talk will focus on several recent approaches falling in this category, to which the 4D and Quantum Vision (4DQV) research group has contributed over the last few years. The speaker will also outline promising directions for how the field could benefit from modern and upcoming quantum hardware.