Ph.D. in Data Analytics and Decision Sciences: Thesis Defense

DEIB - BIO1 Room (Bld. 21)
on line by Teams
June 24th, 2024 | 10.30 am
on line by Teams
June 24th, 2024 | 10.30 am
The PhD Data Analytics and Decision Sciences is pleased to announce the following defense for our Doctoral student:
June 24th, 2024, DEIB - BIO1 Room (Building 21) at 10.30 am
online by Teams
Laura Savarè – XXXVI Cycle
“Enhancing the role of real-world data in healthcare research through advanced statistical methods”
Advisor: Prof.ssa Francesca Ieva
Co-Advisor: Prof. Giovanni Corrao (UNIMIB)
Committee Members:
Prof. Enrico Gianluca Caiani, Politecnico di Milano
Prof. ssa Rosaria Gesuita, Università Politecnica delle Marche
Prof. Gianluca Trifirò, Università di Verona
June 24th, 2024, DEIB - BIO1 Room (Building 21) at 10.30 am
online by Teams
Laura Savarè – XXXVI Cycle
“Enhancing the role of real-world data in healthcare research through advanced statistical methods”
Advisor: Prof.ssa Francesca Ieva
Co-Advisor: Prof. Giovanni Corrao (UNIMIB)
Committee Members:
Prof. Enrico Gianluca Caiani, Politecnico di Milano
Prof. ssa Rosaria Gesuita, Università Politecnica delle Marche
Prof. Gianluca Trifirò, Università di Verona
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