Feedback Linearization Strategy for Lateral Vehicle Control

Speaker: Sumit Chourasiya (DEIB, Politecnico di Milano)
DEIB - Emilio Gatti Conference Room (Building 20)
May 23, 2024 | 12:00 pm
Contacts: Prof. Simone Formentin
The regulation and trajectory tracking control of autonomous vehicles has been a research hotspot for the last few decades. Most approaches proposed in the literature address the problem from a holistic point of view and lack flexibility in incorporating actuator dynamics, time delays, modelling errors, and other factors. We propose a novel methodology with a cascaded control architecture comprising three layers: Feedback Linearization (FBL), Robustification, and Trajectory Tracking. With an appropriately designed FBL layer, this cascaded architecture enables us to utilize linear control theory to design successive layers while retaining the flexibility in design.