May 16, 2024 | 2:30 pm CEST
Politecnico di Milano - Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering
Room 3.1.11 | Leonardo Campus - Building 3 - First floor
The event will be held in presence and online on Cisco WebExR platform
Contact: Prof. Samuele Grillo
Enel is a multinational power company and a leading integrated player in the global power and renewables markets. At global level, it is the largest renewable private player, the foremost electricity distribution network player by number of grid customers served and the biggest retail operator by customer base. The Group is the largest European utility by ordinary EBITDA. Enel is present in 29 countries worldwide, producing energy with more than 89 GW of total capacity.
Enel Grids, the Group’s global business line dedicated to the management of the electricity distribution service worldwide, delivers electricity through a network of around 1.9 million kilometers with more than 70 million end users. Enel’s renewables arm Enel Green Power has a total capacity of more than 63 GW and a generation mix that includes wind, solar, geothermal, and hydroelectric power, as well as energy storage facilities, installed in Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Enel X Global Retail is the Group’s business line dedicated to customers around the world with the aim of effectively providing products and services based on their energy needs and encouraging them towards a more conscious and sustainable use of energy. Globally, it provides electricity and integrated energy services to over 61 million customers worldwide, offering flexibility services aggregating 9.6 GW, managing over 3 million lighting points, and with more than 25,300 owned public charging points for electric mobility.
Gridspertise offers grid intelligent devices, end-to-end cloud-edge platform solutions and services to accelerate the digital transformation of electricity distribution grids. Gridspertise portfolio is designed as an open ecosystem, easy to integrate with utilities’ existing infrastructure, combining intelligent and automated grid devices with ready-to-use modular applications, running at central level as well as on the edge. A milestone of 100 million smart meters with Gridspertise technology delivered globally has been recently reached by the Company, meeting the need of several energy markets and regulations.
Let’s shape the energy of the future together!
The event, starting at 2:30 pm CEST (participants are invited to connect around 2:15 pm CEST) and lasting approximately 1.5 hours (estimated end time: 4:00 pm CEST), will have the following agenda:
- Overview of the Company - Speaker: Claudia Laddaga
- Gridspertise: who we are and sharing experiences - Speakers: Valerio Palombelli and Chiara Giovagnoli (P&O), Gianluca Sapienza (Smart grid)
- Career: opportunities and tips to approach job interviews - Speaker: Magdalena Nastase
- Q&A session
Please, enroll to the event filling in this online form. The event will be held in presence (Room 3.1.11, Building 3, First floor, Leonardo Campus) and online on Cisco WebEx platform. In order to attend the seminar, please, go to the following link: https://politecnicomilano.webex.com/meet/samuele.grillo