Mining Healthcare Big Data - Concepts, Techniques and Practice
Prof. Alex Kuo
University of Victoria, BC, Canada
DEIB - Seminar Room "A. Alario" (Building 21)
October 9th, 2023
3.00 pm
Giuseppe Pozzi
Monica Soncini
Research Line:
Data, web, and society
Biological and Biomechanical Engineering
University of Victoria, BC, Canada
DEIB - Seminar Room "A. Alario" (Building 21)
October 9th, 2023
3.00 pm
Giuseppe Pozzi
Monica Soncini
Research Line:
Data, web, and society
Biological and Biomechanical Engineering
On October 9th, 2023 at 3.00 pm Alex Kuo, Professor at School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria (Canada), will give a seminar on "Mining Healthcare Big Data. Concepts, Techniques and Practice" in DEIB Alario Room (Building 21).
Big Data is different from the so called big data set in that it is a collection of data so large, so complex, so distributed, and growing so fast (or so called 5Vs). Big Data are not usable tmtil they can be aggregated and integrated into a manner that computer can process to generate knowledge. Extracting useful knowledge from Big Data can be considered as a processing pipeline that involves multiple distinct configuration stages to achieve full utilization.
Each stage faces several specific challenges. The objective of this presentati on is to discuss the opportunities of mi.ning health Big Data to impro\:e healthcare as well as the challenges and solutions for health Big Data Analytics (BDA) - the process of extracting knowledge fì:om sets of Health Big Data.
Big Data is different from the so called big data set in that it is a collection of data so large, so complex, so distributed, and growing so fast (or so called 5Vs). Big Data are not usable tmtil they can be aggregated and integrated into a manner that computer can process to generate knowledge. Extracting useful knowledge from Big Data can be considered as a processing pipeline that involves multiple distinct configuration stages to achieve full utilization.
Each stage faces several specific challenges. The objective of this presentati on is to discuss the opportunities of mi.ning health Big Data to impro\:e healthcare as well as the challenges and solutions for health Big Data Analytics (BDA) - the process of extracting knowledge fì:om sets of Health Big Data.
Short Bio
Dr. Alex Kuo holds a PhD from the Depa1tment of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, UK. He is a full time professor at the School of Health Infonnation Science, University of Victoria, BC, Canada. He was a visiting scholar at the Electronic Commerce Resource Centre (ECRC), Georgia Tech., and at the School of Medicine, Stanford University USA. Now, he is the chair of IEEE Special Interest Group on Big Data for Healthcare, Medicine and Biology. With over 20 years of programming and data analysis practical as well as research experience, he has over 180 peer-reviewed publications.
Scientific area: His research interests include health Big Data analytics, health data interoperability, health database & data warehousing, data mining application in healthcare, ehealth and clinical decision suppo1t system.
Microsoft Outlook Web Access
The event will be held online by Webex.
Scientific area: His research interests include health Big Data analytics, health data interoperability, health database & data warehousing, data mining application in healthcare, ehealth and clinical decision suppo1t system.
Microsoft Outlook Web Access
The event will be held online by Webex.