The Myokinetic Control Interface: Tracking Implanted Magnets As A Means For Prosthetic Control

Prof. Christian Cipriani
SSSA, Pisa
Event online by Microsoft Teams
April 27th, 2023
5.30 pm
SSSA, Pisa
Event online by Microsoft Teams
April 27th, 2023
5.30 pm
On April 27th, 2023 at 5.30 pm, a new appointment of the “Thursday meetings – A glance to the future at cocktail-hour”, organized by EIIT – CNR Institute, will take place online by Microsoft Teams.
The series of fortnightly meetings deal with specific themes connected to IEIIT – CNR institute with transversal vision through application domains and technological areas with particular attention to their evolutions.
The new seminar will be held by Prof. Christian Cipriani (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) on the following subject "The Myokinetic Control Interface: Tracking Implanted Magnets As A Means For Prosthetic Control".
Upper limb amputation deprives individuals of their innate ability to manipulate objects. Such disability can be restored with a robotic prosthesis linked to the brain by a human-machine interface (HMI) capable of decoding voluntary intentions, and sending motor commands to the prosthesis. Clinical or research HMIs rely on the interpretation of electrophysiological signals recorded from the muscles.
However, the quest for an HMI that allows for arbitrary and physiologically appropriate control of dexterous prostheses, is far from being completed. Here we propose a new HMI that aims to track the muscles contractions with implanted permanent magnets, by means of magnetic field sensors. We called this a myokinetic control interface. In this talk I will present the concept, the features and the work done in the past years to prove the feasibility, limits and potentials of such a HMI in implementing direct and simultaneous control over multiple digits of an artificial hand.
Participation is free but registration is required. Please register here.
The series of fortnightly meetings deal with specific themes connected to IEIIT – CNR institute with transversal vision through application domains and technological areas with particular attention to their evolutions.
The new seminar will be held by Prof. Christian Cipriani (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) on the following subject "The Myokinetic Control Interface: Tracking Implanted Magnets As A Means For Prosthetic Control".
Upper limb amputation deprives individuals of their innate ability to manipulate objects. Such disability can be restored with a robotic prosthesis linked to the brain by a human-machine interface (HMI) capable of decoding voluntary intentions, and sending motor commands to the prosthesis. Clinical or research HMIs rely on the interpretation of electrophysiological signals recorded from the muscles.
However, the quest for an HMI that allows for arbitrary and physiologically appropriate control of dexterous prostheses, is far from being completed. Here we propose a new HMI that aims to track the muscles contractions with implanted permanent magnets, by means of magnetic field sensors. We called this a myokinetic control interface. In this talk I will present the concept, the features and the work done in the past years to prove the feasibility, limits and potentials of such a HMI in implementing direct and simultaneous control over multiple digits of an artificial hand.
Participation is free but registration is required. Please register here.