AI Seminars 2023: Data-driven control/AI in dynamics control

DEIB - Conference Room "E. Gatti" (Bldg. 20)
February 15th, 2023
5.30 pm
Nicola Gatti
Research Line:
Artificial intelligence and robotics
February 15th, 2023
5.30 pm
Nicola Gatti
Research Line:
Artificial intelligence and robotics
On February 15th, 2023 at 5.30 pm a new appointment of the "AI Seminar 2023" titeld "Data-driven control/AI in dynamics control" will be held by Prof. Simone Formentin (Associate Professor) and Federico Dettù (PhD Student), in DEIB Conference Room.
In particular, Simone Formentin will focus on Data-driven control systems design, while Federico Dettù will focus on The twin-in-the-loop approach for vehicle dynamics control: application to active braking.
Please register for the event here.
In particular, Simone Formentin will focus on Data-driven control systems design, while Federico Dettù will focus on The twin-in-the-loop approach for vehicle dynamics control: application to active braking.
Please register for the event here.