Digital electronic systems Lab
The activities are aimed at the development of electronic systems both distributed among different devices and integrated on-chip (SoC). As part of these activities, starting from 1992, high competence in the design of digital electronic systems for signal processing based on configurable devices (microprocessors, DSP and FPGA) was consolidated. The activity mainly concerns the development, prototyping and engineering of hardware, firmware and software architectures for high-performance digital processing of signals and data with massive algorithmic treatments in real time. The application sectors range from information processing from radiation detectors to video signals and images, from digital control to vehicle systems. These activities are for the most part framed in industrial research contracts and collaboration agreements with national and international scientific institutions and have produced over three hundred publications in journals and international conference proceedings.
Service information
The activity takes place in laboratories located in Building 24 of the electronics section of DEIB, in C. Golgi 40.