MOLES - Measurements of OpticaL and Electronic Systems laboratory
Research Area:
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The Measurements of OpticaL and Electronic Systems laboratory hosts scientific and technological research activities in the field of electronic and optoelectronic measurement instrumentation. Researchers in the lab develop new methods and tools dealing with electromagnetic fields, from electrical to optical frequencies. The main research activities are about:
- characterization of oscillators (optical and electronic), with time- and frequency-domain measurements;
- hardware/software implementation of control systems;
- stabilized lasers and frequency standards;
- optical interferometry and vibration measurement;
- prototypes of optical sensors for industrial applications;
- optical measurements and electro-optical sensors;
- active stabilization of laser oscillators;
- calibration of optical power meters;
- surface laser scanning and 3D image reconstruction;
- biomedical image processing;
- velocity measurements in fluids;
- electromagnetic characterization of systems and devices.
Service information
The “Optical and Electronic Measurements Laboratory” is located at ground floor of building 7 of the Department (Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32), with a floor space of about 92 m2. For additional information, contact prof. Cesare Svelto, prof. Michele Norgia or prof. Alessandro Pesatori.