Wisytech has been established in 2006 as spin-off of Politecnico di Milano and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) by two professors and Alfautomazione SpA. The mission was to develop HW and SW products for testing and prototyping of advanced wireless communication systems. Based on the Software Defined Radio paradigm, the main focus was on reconfigurable DSP/FPGA architectures and software IPs for virtual instrumentation. Software-based products included generators, analyzers and IPs for baseband processing for WIMAX (IEEE802.16d/e), DAB, RDS and GPS systems. WIMAX (IEEE802.16j), LTE, DVB-S/H/T and Cognitive Radio Systems were developed. Hardware-based products were focused on up/down RF/IF converters for MIMO systems (IEEE802.11n) and standardized optical interfaces (CPRI and OBSAI). Virtual instrumentation was developed in cooperation with National Instruments. Now the activity is closed.