
Zehus (Zero Emission HUman Synergy - www.zehus.it) is an innovative Politecnico di Milano spin off company. The mission of this company, is to push the human engine as the center of the Energy management, creating an optimal synergy between the man himself and the electrical powertrain of the vehicle. Today zeHus unveils a vehicle that will be crucial in the bicycle evolution. Its name is Bike+. Bike+ opens up a new market segment right in between the traditional bycicle and the modern e-bike. That’s because Bike+ is the first real mid hybrid electric bike; the operating principle is the same as the one which moves the famous Toyota Prius Indeed, Bike+ has a small battery pack that helps the cyclist reducing the fatigue when he is facing difficulties, has hard slopes or intense start/stop maneuvers. On the other hand, when the cyclist is “efficient”, the bike automatically recharges the batteries with a ridiculous effort from the man’s perspective. Thanks to the sophisticated control system, Bike+ battery pack does not need a plug-in recharge! In order to realize Bike+ the engineers studied the human body as an “engine”. Based on the results achieved with scientific methods they developed sophisticated control algorithms that allow the cyclist to save up to 30% of the oxygen consumption within an urban contest (measured data). The result of these studies is a Electric Pedal Assisted Cycle, but as light as a normal bike and frees the user from plug-in “duty”. Bike+ the revolutionary human electric hybrid bike. No need to charge the batteries.