MobiMESH ( is a spin-off company of Politecnico di Milano founded in 2008 by a group of researchers and professors together with Voismart, an industrial and commercial partner. The innovative solutions of MobiMESH are the result of the research carried out at the Advanced Network Technologies Laboratory (ANTLab). MobiMESH srl develops innovative products and solutions for wireless mesh networking. Wireless mesh networks are all-wireless networks that are devised to free WiFi networks from the cables interconnecting access points. They can be used in all scenarios where deploying a wired infrastructure is not possible or cost effective like municipal wireless networks (big and small cities, as well as areas not reached by the broadband infrastructure), temporary networks, historical building and protected areas. Many applications can be enabled by wireless mesh networks: domestic Internet access, nomadic access, video surveillance, public and private VOIP services, environmental monitoring, information services for tourist, and many others.
Nowadays new frontier is represented by the Smart Environment product family, which includes IoT and sensing solutions joint together with the networking and UC&C products and skills of the company.
Nowadays new frontier is represented by the Smart Environment product family, which includes IoT and sensing solutions joint together with the networking and UC&C products and skills of the company.