Modeling and control of fuel cell-based energy generation systems

Start date: 2004-01-01
Length: 36 months
Project abstract
Fuel cells are electrochemical devices (think of common batteries for comparison) which are able to convert chemical energy, stored inside a fuel, directly into electrical energy. The reaction on which their operation is based produces heat, which can be employed to enhance plant efficiency issues. We also remind that their toxic and polluting emissions are very low, or even absent. These devices are modular, and therefore ideal for distributed cogeneration of electric power and heat for different needs. The collaboration has been about an innovative hybrid power plant combining a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) stack with a gas microturbine. Activities have been carried on through two main lines: modeling and simulation of cell (and consequently stack) thermo-fluid-dynamical and electrochemical phenomena; design of different configurations for the plant industrial control system, in different ordinary and emergency operating conditions.
Theoretical investigations as well as validation by simulation are completed; the validation by means of experimental data is currently underway, both for the stack simulator and for the whole plant control system configurations.
The project is closed.
Theoretical investigations as well as validation by simulation are completed; the validation by means of experimental data is currently underway, both for the stack simulator and for the whole plant control system configurations.
The project is closed.
Project results
Journal papers
Conference proceedings
- S. Canevese, A. De Marco, G. Moretti, V. Prandoni “Un Modello di Pila a Combustibile a Carbonati Fusi” Automazione e Strumentazione, pp. 77-84, October 2004
- S. Bittanti, S. Canevese, A. De Marco, A. Errigo, V. Prandoni “Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell electrochemistry modeling” in press (corrected proof) on J. Power Sources (available online July 5, 2006 at
- S.Bittanti, S. Canevese, A. De Marco, A. Errigo, G. Giuffrida, V. Prandoni “Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Dynamical Modeling” ready for production on ASME J. of Fuel Cell Science and Technology
Conference proceedings
- S. Canevese, A. De Marco, G. Moretti, V. Prandoni “Un Modello di Pila a Combustibile a Carbonati Fusi” ENERSIS 2004, Milan, April 1-2, 2004
- S. Bittanti, S. Canevese, A. De Marco, G. Moretti, V. Prandoni “Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Modeling” 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2005
- S. Bittanti, S. Canevese, A. De Marco, A. Errigo, V. Prandoni “Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Electrochemistry Modeling” 7th International Symposium on Molten Salts Chemistry & Technology, Toulouse, France, August 29 - September 2, 2005
- S. Bittanti, S. Canevese, A. De Marco, A. Errigo, G. Giuffrida, V. Prandoni “Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Dynamical Modeling” (poster) 1st European Fuel Cell Technology and Applications Conference, Rome, December 2005
- S. Canevese, A. De Marco, V. Prandoni, F. Salvatore, S. Spelta “A control study for a hybrid MCFC-microturbine power plant” (poster) Fuel Cell Science & Technology 2006, Turin, September 13-14, 2006