RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART

DEIB Role: Partner
Start date: 2023-01-01
Length: 38 months
Project abstract
The RESTART partnership includes several research projects, with concrete and measurable results, to be jointly carried out by universities, research centres, companies and public administrations. The program includes the following activities: fundamental and applied research; technology transfer and exploitation of research results, including dissemination activities; support for the birth and development of start-ups and spin-offs from research, promoting the activities and services of incubation and venture capital funds; training led in synergy by universities and enterprises, with particular reference to SMEs, to reduce the mismatch between the skills required by enterprises and those offered by universities; PhD programs.
The focus of the project is the structural improvement of research and development in improving the ability to use telecommunications in a wide variety of sectors, while strengthening the link between scientific excellence and business.
There will be specific initiatives aimed at industrial districts and Southern Italy, including support for the design and creation of technology islands and ecosystems, such as private 5G/6G networks with related services and cloud edge; support for the design of telecommunications resources that enable even small or peripheral communities to work smart and access global opportunities and markets. Telecommunications offer the opportunity to make it easier for everyone to access global resources and develop their own potential, to enable intelligences, experiences, professionalism and entrepreneurship differently located throughout the country to all contribute to the country’s revitalization, avoiding emigration.
Another goal is the evolution of the 5G slice concept from that of a virtual (cellular) network of guaranteed quality to that of a virtual (general) infrastructure/platform that automatically runs and manages distributed applications of verticals, such as video distribution systems, Smart Cities/IoT platforms and Edge Learning architectures.
The project aims also at fostering the digital transformation of industries/administrations and improving business efficiency, with new business and cost-sharing models for a more equitable and broader contribution to telecom network investments. A staple of the program involves the creation of new companieswith the associated increase in average size.
The focus of the project is the structural improvement of research and development in improving the ability to use telecommunications in a wide variety of sectors, while strengthening the link between scientific excellence and business.
There will be specific initiatives aimed at industrial districts and Southern Italy, including support for the design and creation of technology islands and ecosystems, such as private 5G/6G networks with related services and cloud edge; support for the design of telecommunications resources that enable even small or peripheral communities to work smart and access global opportunities and markets. Telecommunications offer the opportunity to make it easier for everyone to access global resources and develop their own potential, to enable intelligences, experiences, professionalism and entrepreneurship differently located throughout the country to all contribute to the country’s revitalization, avoiding emigration.
Another goal is the evolution of the 5G slice concept from that of a virtual (cellular) network of guaranteed quality to that of a virtual (general) infrastructure/platform that automatically runs and manages distributed applications of verticals, such as video distribution systems, Smart Cities/IoT platforms and Edge Learning architectures.
The project aims also at fostering the digital transformation of industries/administrations and improving business efficiency, with new business and cost-sharing models for a more equitable and broader contribution to telecom network investments. A staple of the program involves the creation of new companieswith the associated increase in average size.
Finally, the project will increase the number of telecommunications students, researchers and professionals, improving their skills and reducing the gender gap and the North-South divide in telecommunications.