INSERT. Development of a multi-modality spect/mri system for molecular iaging
EU Research FP7
DEIB Role: Coordinator
Start date: 2012-01-01
Length: 48 months
Project abstract
The purpose of the project is to develop a novel SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) system to be inserted in an existing MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) system. The system will allow the simultaneous measurement of anatomical and functional information for the in-vivo visualisation of spectrally resolved molecular and biochemical tumour properties. The general purpose of the project is to provide improved personalized radio-chemo therapies and clinically relevant stratification for brain tumour patients with potentially better survival and quality-of-life outcomes, using a specifically developed multi-modality imaging tool. The initial focus will be on glioma patients. The proposed tool is based on the development of a SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) to be used as an insert to a MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) system. The aim of the project is to develop, test and validate the new concept of multi-modality imaging system with a simultaneous measurement device and to apply a fully translational, vertical integration of research and development, from technology design through preclinical models to clinical validation.
The project aims to develop a SPECT/MRI imaging system and to undertake clinical validation trials following translational research to characterize glioma tumours. We propose to use the information provided by concurrent SPECT/MRI scans to individualize adjuvant radio-chemo therapy, thereby increasing tumour control, and maximizing the potential for patient-tailored survival. As regards the imaging tool, the current proposal aims to contribute to the development of a new multimodal system, within a very clear trend in the development of innovative medical imaging instrumentation. The motivation of the project is the high mortality rate of recurrent glioma and the potential to significantly improve post-operative local tumour control using personalized therapies based on molecular information, achievable with the newly developed in-vivo imaging system. Brain tumours are the commonest cause of cancer death in children and, although rare, these tumours also account for a disproportionate number of life years lost in adults due to their very poor prognosis. Radiotherapy remains the mainstay of adjuvant treatment. However, the vast majority of gliomas ultimately recur, suggesting that these tumours are intrinisically radioresistant and/or are poorly defined by the diagnostic imaging approaches currently available. New approaches to tumour-specific dose escalation are therefore required.
The project aims to develop a SPECT/MRI imaging system and to undertake clinical validation trials following translational research to characterize glioma tumours. We propose to use the information provided by concurrent SPECT/MRI scans to individualize adjuvant radio-chemo therapy, thereby increasing tumour control, and maximizing the potential for patient-tailored survival. As regards the imaging tool, the current proposal aims to contribute to the development of a new multimodal system, within a very clear trend in the development of innovative medical imaging instrumentation. The motivation of the project is the high mortality rate of recurrent glioma and the potential to significantly improve post-operative local tumour control using personalized therapies based on molecular information, achievable with the newly developed in-vivo imaging system. Brain tumours are the commonest cause of cancer death in children and, although rare, these tumours also account for a disproportionate number of life years lost in adults due to their very poor prognosis. Radiotherapy remains the mainstay of adjuvant treatment. However, the vast majority of gliomas ultimately recur, suggesting that these tumours are intrinisically radioresistant and/or are poorly defined by the diagnostic imaging approaches currently available. New approaches to tumour-specific dose escalation are therefore required.
Project results
The project has reached its conclusion with the realization of the first clinical instrument allowing simultaneous SPECT and MRI imaging. Currently targeting neuro-oncological applications, the combination of two complementary imaging techniques – magnetic resonance providing anatomic details and scintigraphy allowing the selective detection of specific molecules (by means of radionuclides), often associated to the presence of tumors, paves the ways to new scenarios in clinical diagnostics in terms of speed and precision of pathology identification. From the technological point of view, the hardest challenge that has been faced, was the successful realization of gamma detection modules (mounted in ring) providing high sensitivity and compatibility with the extremely high magnetic fields inside the MRI scanner.