SAFESPOT integrated project
EU Research FP6
DEIB Role: Partner
Start date: 2006-02-01
Length: 48 months
Project abstract
The Safespot Integrated Project is a co-founded project by the European Commission Information Society Technologies among the initiatives of the Sixth Framework Program which has the aim of improving awareness of the vehicle’s surrounding situation through a concurrent and synergic behavior between vehicle and infrastructure. Safespot integrates a communication system based on the standard 802.11p; specifically, it considers a cooperative environment where a Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is used to transmit safety-relevant information between vehicle and infrastructure units. The availability of messages from other traffic actors greatly enriches and enhances the range of information available to the vehicle’s safety systems compared to more conventional systems that only use on-board sensors. All of this information was used to warn the driver through a human–machine interface using visual and acoustic messages. It had been implemented the hard-ware architecture compliant with the Safespot system in a PTW (Powered Two-Wheeler) vehicle: it was designed in order to collect and store data retrieved from local sensors and from sensors belonging to other vehicles or to infrastructure units received through the network. The work was completed by the implementation of applications which perform dangerous scenario analysis and driver warning.
Project results
V. Manzoni, F. Codecà, S.M. Savaresi, P. Cravini. "The implementation of the Safespot architecture on a Powered Two-Wheeler vehicle". 12th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, CTS 2009. Redondo Beach, CA, USA, September 2009.