Projects: Applied electromagnetics
- PRISM - Precipitation Scatter Model for Interference and Frequency Management in Space Radio Systems
- CALIBRATE – Enhanced Alphasat Aldo Paraboni QV Band Test-Bed Configurations for Additional Experiments
- ICT-STREAMS - Silicon Photonics Transceiver and Routing Technologies for High-End Multi-Socket Server Blades with TB/S Throughput Interconnect Interfaces
- PICS4ALL - Photonic Integrated Circuits accessible to everyone
- CLEOPATRA. CLEaner Operations Attained Through Radar's Advance
- The future of satellite communications at millimetre wavelenghts: a new experiment based on a geostationary platform (Alphasat/TDP#5 satellite)
- SPLASH: Slow Photon Light Activated Switch
- Reconfigurable ka-band antenna front-end for rain fade compensation - propagation modelling
- Characterization and modelling of propagation effects in 20-50 Ghz Band