Emeriti professors

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Damian is an Associate Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science and Politecnico di Milano - DEIB, in s'Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands and Milan Italy, respectively. Damian completed his Ph.D. at VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands in March 2014 "cum laude and mention" one year in advance of a standard Ph.D. His research interests lie mainly in Complex Software Architectures (with a focus on Big Data & Data-Intensive Architectures, Cloud & Microservices as well as Machine-Learning & Computational Intelligence Architectures), Complex Software Architecture Properties (with a focus on Privacy & Security and Social Sustainability), and Empirical Software Engineering (with a focus on Organisational, Social, and Societal aspects with Qualitative Methods, social-networks analysis as well as Machine-Learning). Damian has published over 100+ papers in either Journals such as the Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) Journal, The ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) Journal, the IEEE Software Magazine or top software engineering conferences (such as ICSE or FSE) and top software architecture conferences (such as ECSA or WICSA). Also, Damian has been an active contributor and lead research in many EU FP6, FP7, and H2020 projects, such as S-Cube, MODAClouds, SeaClouds, DICE, ANITA, DossierCLOUD, ProTECT, and more. In addition, Damian is IEEE Software and ACM TOSEM editorial board member, secretary of the TOSCA TC as well as secretary of the IFIP TC2, TC6, and TC8 WG on “Service-Oriented Computing.