Assistant professor
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Federica Arrigoni is currently a tenure-track assistant professor (RTD-B) with the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB) of the Politecnico di Milano. She received her MS degree in Mathematics from the University of Milan (Italy) in 2013, and the PhD degree in Industrial and Information Engineering from the University of Udine (Italy) in 2018. Her PhD thesis titled “Synchronization Problems in Computer Vision” was awarded from the Italian Association for Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (CVPL) in 2018 and from the University of Udine in 2019. From 2018 to 2020 she was a junior researcher with the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics (CIIRC) of the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic).
From 2020 to 2022 she worked as an assistant professor (RTD-A) with the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Trento (Italy). She co-organized a tutorial on “Synchronization and cycle consistency in computer vision” at CVPR 2020 and a workshop on “Traditional computer vision in the age of deep learning” at ICCV 2021. She regularly serves as reviewer for CVPR, ECCV and ICCV, and she was acknowledged as an outstanding reviewer at CVPR 2021. She is the main author of the paper entitled “Viewing Graph Solvability via Cycle Consistency” that won the Best Paper Honorable Mention at ICCV 2021 (corresponding to top-5 papers out of 1612 accepted papers). Her research focuses on geometric problems in 3D Computer Vision.
From 2020 to 2022 she worked as an assistant professor (RTD-A) with the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Trento (Italy). She co-organized a tutorial on “Synchronization and cycle consistency in computer vision” at CVPR 2020 and a workshop on “Traditional computer vision in the age of deep learning” at ICCV 2021. She regularly serves as reviewer for CVPR, ECCV and ICCV, and she was acknowledged as an outstanding reviewer at CVPR 2021. She is the main author of the paper entitled “Viewing Graph Solvability via Cycle Consistency” that won the Best Paper Honorable Mention at ICCV 2021 (corresponding to top-5 papers out of 1612 accepted papers). Her research focuses on geometric problems in 3D Computer Vision.