Full professor

Patrizio Colaneri was born in Palmoli, Italy, in 1956. He received the Laurea degree in Electrical Engineering in 1981 and the PhD degree (Dottorato di Ricerca) in Automatic Control in 1987. After a few years in industry and at the National Research Council of Italy, he joined the Politecnico di Milano where he is full professor of Automatica and served as head of the PhD school on ICT (2007-2009). He spent a semester at the Systems Research Center of the University of Maryland (1989) and at the Hamilton Institute of the National University of Ireland (2009). He also collaborates with the Johannes Kepler University in Linz since 2000. Dr. Colaneri was a YAP (Young Author Prize) finalist at the 1990 IFAC World Congress, Tallin, USSR. He is the chair the IFAC Coordinating Committee on Design Methods, a member of the editorial board of Int. J. Applied and Computational Mathematics, a subject editor of the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control and a Senior Editor of the IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control. He was a member of the Council of EUCA (European Union Control Association), and has been serving for six years as Associate Editor of Automatica (certificate of outstanding service). In 2010 he was elevated to the degree of IEEE Fellow for contributions on periodic and switching control. Since 2011 he is also a Fellow of IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control). His main interests are in the area of periodic systems and control, robust filtering and control, and switching control. He has authored/ co-authored more than 200 papers and five books, including “Control Theory and Design: an RH2 and RH∞ viewpoint”, published by Academic Press in 1997, “Periodic Systems: Filtering and Control”, Springer Verlag, 2009.