Contract professor
Giuseppe Macchiarella graduated in Electronic Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 1976. From 1977 to 1986 was a Researcher at Centro Studi per le Telecomunicazioni Spaziali of Italian National Research Council (CNR). Since 1986 is Associate Professor of Microwave at Politecnico di Milano (Faculty of Information Engineering). His scientific activity has been developed in various fields: electromagnetic wave propagation, electroacustic (SAW devices), microwave circuits, numeric techniques for electromagnetics; in the last years he is mainly involved on microwave filters design techniques and linearization methods for microwave power amplifiers.
He has published more than 120 papers on top international journals and conference proceedings. He has been responsible of several contracts and collaborations with various Companies operating in the microwave industry; he has been scientific responsible of Polieri Lab, founded by Politecnico di Milano and Ericsson Lab Italy. At present he is member of the Board of Directors of CoRiTel (Consorzio di Ricerca sulle Telecomunicazioni) as delegate of Politecnico di Milano. Giuseppe Macchiarella is Senior Member of IEEE, and is a member of IEEE Technical Committee MTT-8 (Filters and Passive Components). He is also reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques and IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. He is also in the TCP (Technical Program Committee) of IEEE International Microwave Symposium.
He has published more than 120 papers on top international journals and conference proceedings. He has been responsible of several contracts and collaborations with various Companies operating in the microwave industry; he has been scientific responsible of Polieri Lab, founded by Politecnico di Milano and Ericsson Lab Italy. At present he is member of the Board of Directors of CoRiTel (Consorzio di Ricerca sulle Telecomunicazioni) as delegate of Politecnico di Milano. Giuseppe Macchiarella is Senior Member of IEEE, and is a member of IEEE Technical Committee MTT-8 (Filters and Passive Components). He is also reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques and IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. He is also in the TCP (Technical Program Committee) of IEEE International Microwave Symposium.