Emeriti professors
Giuseppina GINI received a Laurea in Physics from the University of Milano in 1972. Between 1972 and 1976 she specialized in Computer Science and she worked on different AI projects at the Politecnico di Milano. From 1976 to 1978 she was Visiting Scholar and Research assistant at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Stanford University, California, USA. From 1978 to 1987 she held an Assistant Professor position at the Politecnico di Milano together with various appointments at Stanford University, Computer Science Department and NMR Laboratory, and SRI. Since 1987 she is an Associate Professor of Robotics and an Adjunct Professor of Foundations of Computer Science at the Politecnico di Milano. Among other professional services, she served as the Program Co-chair for the Video-Conference on Robotics (March 2000) between MIT (Boston), Politecnico di Milano, and Padova University; for the AI&Math special session on Knowledge Exploration in Predictive Toxicology, January 2000, and for the AAAI Spring Symposium on Predictive Toxicology (Stanford 1999). She is a reviewer for ACM Computing Reviews, Int. Journal of Production Research, Int. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, as well as various AI and Robotics Journals and Conferences. Research themes: Knowledge representation and reasoning with an emphasis on biologically inspired solutions, in particular in vision, constraint-based reasoning, QSAR, and robotics. Machine learning and data mining under the ensemble paradigm; architectures of hybrid systems. She is and has been director of 11 International Research Projects (from NATO and EU), and 7 National Research Projects. Current Research Projects are mainly in Data mining and machine learning (COST action 282; IMAGETOX, DEMETRA, OpenMolGRID, and FATEALLCHEM), Sensorial probes (EASYRING, SPLIT), and Humanoids and neuromorphic robotics. If you are a predoc or doctoral student with a strong background in mathematics and physics, ask for recruiting opportunities in those projects.