Andrea Zanchettin was born in Cremona (Italy) in 1983. He received his PhD in Information Technology, with honour, from Politecnico di Milano in 2012.
From January 2012 until February 2014 he has been a temporary research assistant at the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB). From March 2014 until September 2019 he has been a fixed-term assistant professor at DEIB where he is now a tenured Associate Professor.
His research interests are about mechatronic systems, automatic control, and intelligent collaborative robotics. Andrea Zanchettin has been member of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society since 2009. Since 2017, he has been co-founder and co-chair of the IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Collaborative Automation for Flexible Manufacturing.
Prof. Zanchettin is also chair of the Italian Chapter of the IEEE RAS (I-RAS) and Executive Vice-president for industrial activities of the Italian Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Machines (I-RIM). He is also co-founder and member of the Board of Directors of Smart Robots, a spin-off company of Politecnico di Milano.