Gruppo di ricerca di Meccatronica e Robotica (MERLIN)
Tesi e progetti nell'ambito della robotica e della meccatronica
Paolo Rocco was born in Busto Arsizio (Italy) in 1966. He received the 'Laurea' degree
cum laude in Electronic Engineering and the Doctorate degree in Computer Science and Automation in 1991 and 1995, respectively, both from Politecnico di Milano. In 1995 he was a visiting scholar at Georgia Tech, Atlanta (USA). Since 1996 he has been with the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering of Politecnico di Milano, where he is currently Full Professor in Systems and Control. He teaches basic courses in Automatic Control and advanced courses in Industrial Robotics. From 2013 to 2018 he served as Chair of the BSc and MSc Programs in Automation and Control Engineering.
Paolo Rocco served in the executive boards of SIDRA, the National Society of Italian Professors in Systems and Control, and of ANIPLA, the Italian National Association for the Automation.
At present he serves in the Board of Directors of euRobotics, the association of all stakeholders in robotics in Europe, and in the Board of Directors of MADE, the Industry 4.0 Competence Center led by Politecnico di Milano.
He is also a co-founder of Smart Robots, a spin-off company of Politecnico di Milano.
A Senior Member of IEEE, Paolo Rocco serves as a Senior Editor for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and as an Associate Editor for the IFAC journal Mechatronics.
He has been in charge of several research projects with industrial partners and public bodies. His research interests include industrial robotics, and in particular collaborative robotics. He is the author of more than 150 papers in international journals, book chapters and both international and national conferences.
He serves as an expert for the European Commission and for the Italian Ministry of University and Research, for the evaluation of proposals and ongoing projects.